-Best friends never separated [Chapter Sixteen]

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Lauren's POV:

It was Thursday night and I was sitting in my room, on my computer on Skype.

I wore my Manchester United jeresy, pyjama bottoms and socks. I wore no make up and my hair was tied up.

I had just read Luke a bedtime story and he was now sleeping now. As you see, his bedtime is 9.30, it was reasonable, he is nine years old, after all.

It only applied on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. But, he was exhausted because he was playing soccer with some of the Manchester United players this evening and he had Gaelic training too.

Today was pretty boring. I went to school and just talked to the girls and Geoff. All we really talked about was Georgia's birthday. Which was tomorrow. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am for it. The boys were who knows where. Somewhere in the house, most likely. Dad was in Dublin recording Mary Byrne (I know, amazing ha) and Mum had gotten a lift with him up so she could get a flight over for work.

So it was the boys, Luke and employees at home.

I saw I had an incoming call from Georgia. I clicked 'answer.' and soon enough a tired looking Georgia appeared on my screen.

"Heya," I smiled.

"Hello." She yawned.

"How are you?"

"Tired." She replied.

"I can see that." I smirked whilst she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah well.." She trailed off.

She took out her phone in front of the screen and began typing something on her phone's keyboard.

"Who are you texting now?" I sighed starting to feel a bit worried.


"Really?" I asked.

It's better to be safe then sorry. After all, I did only catch her two days ago.

"Yes." She said showing the phone in my direction. And sure enough she was texting Tom.

"So, your party!"I smiled.

She looked up and locked her phone. "I know. Tomorrow, Lauren. Tomorrow." She gushed.

She looked so excited.

"Did you do anything other the Facebook event?" I asked.

"Yup." She said simply before adding "Your invitation is due.. right about-" And then she got cut off by the doorbell.

"Now." She grinned.

I smiled at my best friend. "Can't wait."

"I know you will," She winked.

"Look, I have to go and get that."

"Alright, see you." She smiled.


And with that I ended the call. I logged out. I quickly through on a hoodie over my pyjamas and a pair of tracksuit bottom. And just as I entered the hallway I called "I'll get it,"

And then I ran downstairs and opened the door to the postman, what looked to be six invitations in his hand.

"Can you sign for this?" He asked.

I quickly signed for it, thanked and shut the door. I got at the invitation and read the cover.chelseaking1

Miss Lauren Daley

Daley Manor

Athlone Hills


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