-Georgia's Party [Chapter Seventeen]

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Lauren's POV:

The next day at school was perhaps the slowest school day of my life. Even when Georgia was being constantly tormented by Diana. None were as long as today, which says a lot because it used to be so long.

And I knew exactly why. The party.

Time always goes quick when I'm doing nothing and in the lead up to something exciting, it's the slowest ever.

School was boring. Mostly because everyone was buzzing for Georgia's birthday. Except for maybe Diana and her 'friends' because they weren't invited.

I didn't do a lot in school today. I certainly didn't pay attention, that's for sure.

For one thing, sitting beside Geoff didn't help and for another, I was too busy thinking about the party. I'm just so excited.

Lunch was spent with the birthday girl, of course.

I had Sarah make her a cake just for school today, which she was delighted at, I was pleased to say.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Louis parked outside school in the Range Rover grinning at Georgia and I.

Geoff and Tom were with us too. We're just walking out together before we'd have to find Louis and Luke and Imogen.

I was delighted because finally I was free from school for the weekend and the birthday celebrations could begin.

"Oi! You!" Louis yelled out the window to Georgia causing a few people to stare confusedly and a few people to gape at him in awe. "Happy birthday!"

Georgia grinned at him. "Thanks Lou,"

"Geoff!" He continued to yell.

Oh no.

No no no.

I swear to God he's so immature.

Geoff looked over at the sound of his name to Louis who was grinning broadly at him. He looked confused.

"Getting in there nicely?" He winked yelling.

I went red in the face from embarrassment after he yelled that.

I can't believe he said that! There are so many other people around. Teachers! They were behind me! And other people!

This was so embarrassing. Kill me now. The worst thing is, I'd expect this type of behaviour of Harry not Louis. Never Louis. This was just weird.

Geoff let realisation at what Louis' remark before continuing to look confused.

"Err - yeah." Geoff said uncertainly.

For the first time ever, Geoff looked unconfident and extremely confused.

It was something of which I never thought I'd see in a life time.

"Take good care of her, then!" Louis smiled.

"Okay?" Geoff said before turning to look at me.

"Who is that-?"

"Wait - Geoff - mate!" Louis call cut him off. "I like your jacket!" He said slightly breathlessly.

I rolled my eyes at Louis before smiling.

"Thanks?" Geoff called back before turning to me looking slightly creeped out. "Who is that?" He turns to me.

"How could you not know who that is, Geoffrey? Louis, of course." Georgia scoffed.

"Louis? Louis who? A cousin, Laur?" He inquired.

I laughed at his face whilst Georgia was biting her lip holding back a grin and Tom face palmed looking at his best friend.

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