Authors Note

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Hey guys. How are ye all? I'm good. So, it's been a while since I last updated this :)

But, I am here to tell ye. I've made my decision. I may have gotten 5 comments, but I'm sad to say I'm not doing a sequel.

As much as I love writing about Lauren and Georgia and their problems and happy moments ...I just don't feel the urge to write the sequel.

I'm not too sure ....but for the time being, I'm just going to continue updating Up All Night and Mary-Ellen Griffin. But, you know ye could end up convincing me by more Votes and Comments ;)

But anyways, in other news for ye; I have 280 votes and 63 followers! Thank ye all so much :)

Note for Up All Night fans: I'll update either today or tomorrow :) xx

Note for Mary-Ellen Griffin fans: I'll probably update either today or tomorrow :) xx

If this is to be the end of Separation ...thank ye all so much for your votes, follows, comments and adding to your reading lists :)

If you want me to read or advertise your story ...let me know! But don't put it in the comments ...that's the one thing I hate. Just let me know.

I really appreciate everything; the votes and comments, everything.

For now, Goodbye and good luck with your stories!


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