-Summer Bringings and Endings [Chapter Twenty-Six]

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Lauren's POV:

The bullying wasn't as hard on Georgia now that she knew it was over and Diana didn't mean it. The bullying wasn't happening anymore and Diana's new war had finished after we had that talk last month, which I was glad to say.

Diana now only talked to us the odd time. She only still did that because she told us she feels extremely guilty and wants to make it up to us by giving us space. We've told her many a time that it's fine because we really and truly are loving the peace that the talk has caused and we would never do anything to put it into jeopardy.

A month had went by and it was now the sunny month of June. The sun was shining everyday with temperatures reaching a rocketing 24 degrees celsius everyday. This was normal - even for Ireland's messed up climate.

For the first three weeks of June every year, whilst the Junior and Leaving Certificate exams were on, the weather would be fabulous and it would never rain. This delighted the majority of the country but would annoy those doing exams. Stacey is beyond pissed off about the weather as she is doing her Leaving Cert at the minute.

It's the hottest day so far - at 26 degrees. I feel so bad for Stacey since she has two exam papers to do today. She had the second paper of Irish (Paper 2) this morning and Biology in the afternoon. She is sitting Biology right now I see when I check the time.  3.41.

Oh well, on a brighter note, she's finished her Leaving Cert in two days time. She has French tomorrow morning and Business the following morning which she is beyond excited about.

Today was pretty uneventful. I woke up at 10 and all I did all day was watch reruns Geordie Shore and eat. Seriously unproductive. But oh well that's what summer and having no school does to you, I guess.

And besides, I had good reason to not do much as I would be doing loads later.

The day had finally came. I'll be honest, for the past month, I never thought today would come. Today was the day the boys are due to come home.

I smiled at the thought. The boys are coming home for the whole summer. I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am.

At the minute, I sat on the couch wearing a pare of denim shorts  and a green Ireland jersey. I wore foundation on my skin, mascara on my lashes and a light pink lipstick.

I was sitting in the living room waiting for the boys to arrive, who were due to arrive, God only knows when. I asked all of them yesterday a few times what time they were coming at but they all replied with the same 'it's a surprise' - it was so annoying. They should know I hate surprises!

Suddenly my phone vibrated. A text message. Probably, Georgia. She's coming over tonight to see the boys and we were texting anyways. I unlocked my iPhone and opened messages.

Surprisingly, it wasn't from Georgia. It was from one of the very people I was longing to see. Niall.

From Niall HoranXx
Two minutes away (:

After reading the text, I felt my smile immensely grow. Two minutes away!

I quickly typed my response: 'Can't wait! x'

I then put my phone in my pocket, stood up and I looked out the living room window in time to see the limo pull up.

Five familiar boys hopped out of the car. I ran to get the door and I opened it and we all ran into a group hug.

"I missed you guys, so much," I whispered.

They all looked the same as they had done two months ago. Harry's curly hair was still as messy as always, Liam's eyes were still as warm as a personality, Zayn's quiff still had its unique up style, Niall still had the familiar Irish smile to him and Louis had the same cheesy look on his face as I remembered. It really was safe to say - me missing them was an understatement.

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