(2) For You 🔅🔅

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Areum's P.O.V

Seokjin Oppa comes back with a manicure box, making me sit on the bed, and starts cutting my nails

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Seokjin Oppa comes back with a manicure box, making me sit on the bed, and starts cutting my nails.. He becomes so focused on it that he doesn't realize I'm looking at him..

" Anyone called today? " He asks, still focusing on my nails.

" Mhmm.. "

" Hmm I told them not to.." He says

" Why are you doing this Oppa? They care for me.. They need to-"

" You yourself tell everyone to be dependent on themselves, so why not become dependent on yourself? It's not like talking over the phone will make you believe in other ways.. " He looks at me

I don't utter a word and sigh

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I don't utter a word and sigh.. He stops what he is doing.. He holds my chin to face me.. " They need to get used to it.. For your own safety.."

I look at him and nod a little.. He gives me a sweet smile.. I look at the window again

I've always been fond of the sky.. It feels like the sky is telling my story to the whole world.. Sometimes it's shiny, sometimes cloudy.. Sometimes I can even see a little bit of rainbow somewhere in the sky.. Yoongi Oppa always used to take me to the hills when he got a holiday, or on leave.. We didn't go hiking, but we just sat on top of the hills to admire the beauty of the sky.. I really miss going to the hills.

5 years have passed already.. I left Korea.. Actually I didn't.. I was forced.. and the next thing is I'm here... in Italy.. Staying with my one time obsession, who literally left everything just to be with me..

I look back at him, looking fondly if there left any sharp edges which might hurt me later.. When he is the one who hurts me the most..


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REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now