(44) Family ✨✨

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Jimin's P.O.V

It's been a year since I moved to America.. I really couldn't stay back there.. Korea keeps so many dark memories for me.. And as I've changed myself by time.. I wanted to change my surroundings as well.. I needed to start fresh..

With a lot of courage I asked Seokjin hyung to handover everything he has here to me.. And to my surprise he didn't react, or denied.. It's like he got relieved when I said I'm gonna take control over his business in America..

I never forgot about my Suzy. My only family.. She was already ready to move in with me, not even listening to Jungkook, but I insisted.. It's time to think about herself as well.. Jungkook is a good guy.. He'll take care of her as I wanted to but couldn't.. On top of that I don't want them to separate after what they've faced.. I still can't forget how Suzy jerked off my hands to run to him back in the airport that day.. Crazy lovers..

As if I'm not one of them..

I take a shower. I've a meeting to attend early this morning.. After changing into my office outfit, I come down, while fixing my tie.. I look up to see a goddess on the dining table, doing something I don't bother to notice..

She looks up at me, and smiles.. " You're ready I see.."

I smile when I show her the tie.. " Almost.. Can I have a hand here please?" Maya rolls her eyes, and places the glass on the side of the plate, and comes to me..

" How many times I've told you to practice it often? I've other things to do except babying you Jiminnaa!!" I smirked, and kissed her cheek suddenly, and she hit my chest.. " Maybe all of these are intentional to come close to you.."

It's human nature.. You can't keep pretending when you've feelings for someone.. You fall for it, you want the person close to you, to touch that person every damn second.. I was surprised when I found the feeling was mutual..

It took us a lot to take this big step.. To give us a chance.. Maya needed to start fresh as well, and I was madly in love with her.. It only took a thunderstorm that night to come closer, and rest is history..

A sweet history~~

I intensely watch her, as she ties the tie on my collar.. She looks up, and glares at me.. " I'll give you a ride don't worry.. Shall we go to the bedroom?"

" JIMINNAA!!" She punches my chest, and I laugh, and hugs her.. I love when she calls me by this name.. " We're going to get late, let's eat." She hugs me back

" I'm not hungry anymore.."

" Ah why?"

" I lost my appetite.." I whined..

" Oh okay just drink the juice it might h-"

" Can I have something else?"

" I don't have time to cook Jimin!!"

" You don't need to cook the dish.."

" Then?" She looks up, and I suddenly peck her lips, that turns into a kiss.. Her eyes widen, when she pushes me.. " You're a pervert.."

" Tch Tch!! It's your pervert.." I laugh, and take her to the table.. We sit down, and start eating.. " Pass me the syrup.."

As I look at her plate, she isn't eating that much, and is taking too much time to swallow.. " Baby, you okay?" I ask..

" Yeah, just morning sickness.. I'll be fine.. Can you pass me that please.." I give her the poached egg.. She cuts it, and about to it.. But she gags, and runs to the washroom.. " MAYA!!"

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now