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Two Weeks Later

Areum's P.O.V

After that night I didn't talk with Seokjin about that issue.. I can't jump to a conclusion because of whatever Taehyung said that day.. I've my own ways to bring out what is going on..

Yes I get some weird vibes from him, but I need to be sure before confronting him.. It's been so long since I saw Taehyung because I get busy with my own life.. I talked with Jungkook again after my not so good conversation with Jimin.. But Jungkook said he sorted things out with Suzy?!

I tried to talk with Suzy, but Jimin already told me what happened that night.. After that I thought I should let it go, and let them decide what they're gonna do about it..

I just come home after finishing my shift, take a long bath, and now in the common study room making my lessons for my upcoming classes..

I sigh.. " I need coffee. My head will burst out seriously!!"

I huff, and get up, when I hear Yoongi Oppa call me from the 1st floor.. " In a minute Oppa.."

" Kuzi Come downstairs right now!!" He yells..

I start running, and going down using the staircase.. " Oppa what happened why are you screami- AAAHH!!"

Don't have the time to realize but I slip on one of the stairs, and my feet twitch, making a crack sound, confirming I'm getting a fracture in my ankle..

I've worn an oversized hoodie set, and the pants are so loose that it is coming underneath my feet.. I couldn't care less, so I wore that but never have I thought it'll curse me back like this..

Next thing I feel a hard surface against my waistline.. The flesh is too smooth, and soft that it doesn't take time to send signals to my brain about the huge pain I've started feeling in my waist..

It feels like in slow motion to see all of my brothers run to me after I scream.. Seokjin is in front of everyone..

" AREUM!!" I hear someone scream my name, and I look at Yoongi Oppa with a shocked face, come to me, and hold me..

" Kuzi you okay? Areum? Look at me, Areum.." He's about to hold my waist..

" AH FUCK DON'T TOUCH ME IT HURTS!" I scream.. It's paining way too much...


" It hurts Oppa.. It hurts.. " I start crying like a baby..

" Areum but how did you fall from the stair.. What were you even thinking??" Seokjin asks..

" I-Ah!! I-.. You called me and I thought something important Ah!!" I say looking at Yoongi Oppa..

" Areum baby-"

" Yah my child are you okay??" Hobi gets interrupted by someone, and I look up to see Seokjin's father is there..

" Aish can this day get any worse!! I'm sorry Sir you've to see me in this state.. I really became clumsy that I didn't re-"

" As far I remember you were so aware of your surroundings that you could sense if someone stepped behind you.. I never thought I'd see you in this state.." Someone says without revealing themselves, but I can recognize the voice pretty well..


" What?? You guys know each other?" Seokjin's father asks..

" No Sir.. It's like when I 1st met her, I was really amazed by her sense of everything so I thought.."

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now