(30) Mark 🔥🔥

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( You already know the usage of this song..)

The next scene might be a little smutty I can't promise.. So yeah grab your Hobi water ..

Something perfect isn't always perfect

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Something perfect isn't always perfect.. It's not have to be polished to be shiny.. It's not have to be costly to be valuable.. There's a thing called feelings which is way more costly than any shiny polished things in this world..

Grabbing her nape of the neck he kisses her lips.. This time they are in their right mind.. They aren't looking for an escape but this time they finally found someone whom they were searching for their whole life.. Nothing matters to them right now except having them in each other's arms..

Teardrops following one by one from their eyes, mixing with the heavenly taste they are sharing from each other.. Lifting her toe a little she kisses his lips deeply.. Only she knows how much she had missed these lips.. Last time it was forced for her of course, but she could never forget what kind of intoxicating feeling Taehyung could give to her.. How much drunk she could be just by his simple touches..

Sliding a hand over her waist, he holds her tightly, closing the gap between them.. He feels her legs tremble when he bites her lips, making her whimper.. Taehyung takes the chance, and slides his tongue in her to taste her even more, making her mind clouded by him, and only him..

"You don't have any fucking idea how much I've craved for your taste!" He says against her lips..

" Take it. I'm all yours. I can't deny it anymore.. I'm Yours. I-" Breathing a little she says, but even before she finished, he took her lips once again..

" Yes!" He looks in her eyes.. " You're mine.. If anyone, anything in this world belongs to me then it's you! You're mine, Areum!"

Kissing her cheeks, to her eyes, to her jawline, he takes the trail to her neck.. Kissing all over her he finds her sweet spot.. Sucking the place too delicately he waits for her signal.. Even if he wants her, he hasn't forgotten what she had faced.. He needs to take things slow with her..

Her sudden whimpering makes him bite that place lightly.. Hearing his name falling from her sweet mouth makes him more enthusiastic about her.. " Does this still hurt you?" He looks at her with concern.. She smiles a little.. Pecking his lips a little, she cups his face..
" It's not love if it doesn't hurt" That makes him smirk, he captures her neck once again.. With some delicate bites he marks her neck.. He takes over on her lips once again.. Lifting her up, she wraps her legs over his waist, never breaking the kiss they drown in them..

Placing her on the soft mattress, he parts his lips from her.. " You don't know what you're doing to me.. Why did I keep you away from me for this long.." Kissing her again he asks..

" Maybe because this is the right time.." He looks at her, with a soft smile he kisses her forehead.. Touching her whole face with his lips, making her feel burned in each time his lips touch her, he stops suddenly..

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now