(25) Talk ♦️♦️

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Jimin's P.O.V

I was supposed to start my new life here in America with my lovely sister, but no! She had to go back to someone who broke her heart a million times.. Like why girls are so dumb?

Wasn't Baekhyun enough for her? He's a good man I assume.. He even helped Areum, but why did Suzy not give him a chance? What is wrong with her? I swear I would kill Jungkook if he ever hurt her.. I should go back after I'm done here.. Either way what I've here which can make me stay?

I've landed an hour ago, and waited for the man who is supposed to take me to the company then, to my house where I will stay.. I will withdraw my booking on the hotel I had booked for me and Suzy.. For now I need to focus on my work, which was always my 1st priority after Suzy..

The man comes to pick me.. I hop on the car.. After 11 hours I landed on the ground, and now I can chill a little.. I pick up my phone, and chang the sim with the one that Seokjin hyung has given me.. I've to use this sim for all purposes.. If I use another sim, he would find it automatically, because my phone is wired with his computer.. And if I even turn off my phone for more than a minute, I may lose my life..

Yes, that's what Seokjin hyung told me.. He already gave orders to someone to keep an eye on me.. If I do anything funny.. I may never see the next day.. it's like I'm free but within a cage..

I sigh, and turn on the phone.. I call Suzy 1st.. Hyung already got the message that I landed.. I'll talk with him later.. Talking with her always works for me.. I wonder what she's doing right now..

On Call

" H-Hello.. Wh-who's this"

" Suzy it's me, Oppa.."

" Oh Hi Oppa, when did-did you land?"

" I just called you after touching the ground..

But what happened to you?

Why are you stuttering like this?"

" N-Nothing Oppa.. I'm absolutely fine..

Where are you h-heading now?"

" Suzy, are you crying?"

" Ha? N-No Oppa I just sneezed so.."

" Suzy.." I can clearly hear her sniffs, and hiccups, and she has this audacity to lie to me.. The other side of the phone becomes silent, with some heavy breaths I already guess she has started crying again..

" Suzy why are you crying like this?

What happened baby why- Did Jungkook hurt you again?

I swear I'll kill him this time.."

" Oppa he did nothing.. Please stop hating him.."

" I'm hating him?

He's the one who made the blunder,

and took you away from me.."

" Who took whom away from you?"

Some rustling sound, and then I hear Jungkook's voice..

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now