(28) Shameless ✨✨

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(Play the video, and turn on the loop, please..)

Taehyung's P.O.V

" If you think you'll get away this time, you're in a delusion my friend.."

" I'm not.. I just want to clear things between us, and I don't have anyone to talk about these issues except you.."

" What about your long lost best friend Jimin?" He chuckles..

" Jimin literally got an idea that I'm the bad person in this story.. But how could I let him believe that I came to sort things, not to ruin.." I sigh..

" LMAO! I pity you.. All the time it's you who come in the blunder, and you're the one to blame.. Jokes apart.. What did you do this time?" Jungkook eases himself a little, and looks at me..

I take a deep breath, and say all the things I've bottled up in me for a long time.. Each and everything.. About me and Maya.. About my feelings for Areum.. Everything.. After listening to everything he raises his brow..

" So you told her everything but the main part, and how dare you to torture the readers like this? Why don't you finish everything in one go? What is this intermission in each chapter?" He shrugged his shoulders..

" Blame it on your dear friend okay? I wanted to clear everything between us, but she didn't listen.."

" And you thought I would?" I look at him with pleading eyes..

" Jungkook.. You want your friend to be happy right.. Tell me one thing, is Seokjin really gonna make her happy?"

" Why would he make her happy when she already broke up with him?"

" SHE DID WHAT??" I stand up from the seat..

" She didn't tell you? It's been nearly a week.." My mouth hangs open but then my face lightens up.. I look at Jungkook who thinks I'm being weird.. I sit beside him.. " My dear friend.." I eye smile..

" Yah get off!!"

" Jungkook.. My one and only dearest motherfu- I mean a good human being, and I'm blessed to have you as my friend.." He scrunches his nose..

" Who the fuck told you I'm your friend bitch!!" He tried to jerk me off, but I held his hand and pointed out his pinky, and intertwined with mine one.. " There, now we've become best friends!!" I smiled with my teeth out, and he just stopped reacting..

" The FUCK is your problem Taehyung!" He jerks his hand from me.. " Look, just help me this time.. I promise I'll clear everything between us.. This time it'll be Areum who'll decide what will happen to us, but not me, nor Seokjin, nor anyone, but her.. Please help me.." I hold his hand again..

He looks at me for some time with suspicious eyes.. " What do I've to do?"

" Where's she now?"

" With my girl, who she stole away from me.. I'm missing her already.." He pouts..

" Well, call her, and ask her where they can be.." Jungkook rolls his eyes, and calls her.. After being 10 minutes saying he's missing her, giving kisses on phone finally he hung up.. I looked at him with a disgusted face, when he just narrowed his eyes.. " A grumpy ass fart like you won't understand the gesture of love.. They're going to a party I guess.. She'll send me the address.."

I try to protest him, but stop.. " Let's go then.." I get up..

" For what?" I look at him and smirk..

" To steal our girls.." I wink..


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