(45) Miracle ✨💫

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(I fucking chose the song after debating myself for over an hour, so you better play it)

Areum's P.O.V

" Seriously how?"

" What how?"

" Like it's even yesterday I knew you're not here.. With me.. But today.. Just how?" I gasp..

" Remember once you told me it was love that made me, and Maya back together again?" He says, putting his body weight over one hand under his head..

" That I did, and it's the truth.." I look at him..

" I guess your love is stronger than her, that brought me back alive.." He says hugging me

" I still can't believe you're here with me.."

" Let's make you believe again shall we?" Nuzzling in my neck, he hovers over me again.. Biting my earlobe he kisses on my cheek.. " Or are you able to take it for the 5th time?" He winks..

I move him, and hover over him.. Sitting on top of him I give him an intense look.. " Let me feel by myself that you're here.." My smirk makes his lips twist up a little.. I lower my head, kissing his chest, I trail up the kiss on his side of the lips.. He tries to kiss my lips but not so fast.. His hands come by my waist.. I take them, interwinding with mine one.. He doesn't realize when I pin them beside his head..

" Trying to take the lead I see.." Kissing his lips I don't let him give me the same smirk I hate the most, but love the best.. My lips melting in him like the rest of the night.. I bite the bottom lip, when he hisses.. Pulling it with my teeth I look at him

" I want to feel every part of you.. That you're here with me.." I kiss him again.. I kiss his neck.. I already marked his spot, sucking that making the mark even more dark..

" Areum.." He moans my name breathlessly..

" I want to feel you every second I breathe.. " I bite his earlobe like he did with mine..

" I swear I want to fucking mark you everywhere.. You're making me insane!!" I say in his ear..

" Then do it.. Who's stopping you? Mark me like you mean it.."

" You thought I didn't already?" I look at him..

" Mark me somewhere where everyone can see it.. I don't show my chest to everyone if you consider the hickeys you put there.." I tilt my head.. " Then where?"

" You know where.." His eyes land on my lips, as he bite his one.. I didn't need anymore hints.. I take his lips once again.. Giving him open mouth kisses, I bite his lips, Sucking it making it dark purple I still can't get enough of him..

I'll mark his whole body tonight..

But someone saves him..



I'm so hypnotized by him that I don't hear the knock, but he does.. He stops kissing me, and raises his head.. " Wha-"

" Someone is knocking.. Lemme get that.." He gets up.. I cover myself with a white sheet.. Seeing him naked in front of me already making me pull him here, and fuck him like I want.. I bite my lips seeing him like this..

" You really changed Areum.. Checking me out like this?!"

" I'm seeing what's mine.. Why do you care?" He laughs, shaking his head.. He wears his boxer, and the knock continues.. " Ugh hold your horses will ya?"

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now