(7) Human🤍🤍

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Areum's P

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Areum's P.O.V

I took the whole week off as hyungs came all of a sudden, but I'm doing home office though.. I get too focused on my laptop, and am listening to some favorite tracks.. I just found something that may come helpful for my upcoming lectures.. That I don't realize someone comes into my room..

" Like seriously, how could they think students can solve this problem? This is literally an upper level task.. How can I make it easy for them?" I talk to myself..

I don't even realize someone opens my room door, and locks it.. I start jamming with music, while working, when I feel my bed sink a little down behind me.. I stop moving.. Panic starts boiling inside me.. I start to feel goosebumps.. Inhaling, I looked behind me and boom..

" BOOOOOOO!!!!" Namjoon Oppa suddenly shouts, and I scream my lungs out.. He holds my mouth..

" Shhhhh... Are you crazy or what?" I bite on his palms, and he hisses in pain..

" I'm crazy or you? What is it.. I literally got scared of my life.." I say while placing one hand on my chest to calm down. He haunches on the bed, laughing a little

" I called you many times, and you didn't listen.. That's not my fault.."

" You're becoming Jungkook day by day, Oppa.. Don't forget you're in your early 30s''

" So what? I'm still handsome. Anyone could believe I'm still in my early 20s..." He smirks

" Yeah yeah.. Keep telling it to yourself.." I roll my eyes, and shut down my laptop..

I look back to see Oppa wide spread his hands with his signature dimple smile.. I just shake my head to see his silliness after a long time.. I go to him, and he holds me with all of his living beings..

" Ahhhh I've missed you a lot, Areum.." He wraps his arms around me

" I missed you too Oppa.." I hug him back

" You've changed a lot.."

" As like?"

" Earlier those days I could hug you and still could wrap my fingers together, but right now I can't even touch my other hand from your back.. You've gained so much weight Baby.. Hyung's cooking is something else I must say.." He chuckled..

" OPPAA!!" I whine loudly, while getting away from him, and he hugs me even tighter, and yes he can wrap his finger too..

We stay there for a while.. Taking the familiar scent of him, the sounds of his heartbeats.. Thinking about our old memories.. How he used to wrap me up like a ball, when Yoongi Oppa was in the military.. He would sing some songs for me, and I'll sleep like a baby..
Sometimes when I miss Oppa too much.. Namjoon Oppa would hold me like this, not even saying a word, just let me flow through all the emotion I was holding.. He might scold me more than Yoongi Oppa..
Yoongi Oppa couldn't get mad at me that much, cause I was, I'm his weak point, where Namjoon Oppa would scold me like a teacher.. And when I couldn't take it anymore, and burst into tears.. he would take me for a walk, and would buy me ice cream, or chocolates.. I will never forget those memories.. Those are so vivid to me..

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now