(13) Deal 💠💠

170 16 157

Areum's P.O.V

My mind has been jammed since last night.. Why did he have to do that? Just why? Out of everyone, why does it have to be Seokjin? I failed to close my eyes last night.. and when I did, I found myself in the bathtub, about to drown in it.. As I'm right now in embarrassment..

Seokjin is that person in my life, to whom I can rely on.. Without him, I can't even move on from whatever shit happened that night.. I'd even kill myself at one point. But he taught me that I'm the only one I should love in this world, and no one is gonna do that for me..
He taught me to love myself, which is the reason I stopped hurting myself long ago.. He never actually let me even think about hurting myself. The moment he realized I was having an attack, he would talk with me, and would ask me to write something even when I can't even see.
Basically when I used to work with my body, he worked with my mind.. He decided to distract me, not to let me go to that darkness by all my willingness.. This is how I started to control my mind each and every time.

But when the one helped me to calm me down, do something like this.. It's unbearable.. I really don't know how to even focus on everything..

I go to the library to finish the work he has given me.. Well of course these are not necessary at least for now, still he wanted me to stay in front of him.. I know him very well..

Some moments later

I find my work almost done with this month's project. I've already finished most of the work, the rest I finish just now.. I gather all the paper, and take a deep breath..

Here goes nothing..

I go to his office, and knock twice.. But no response.. I lift my hand to knock again when I hear his voice..

" Come in.." I sigh, and twist the knob..

I look forward to seeing him standing in front of the window

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I look forward to seeing him standing in front of the window.. I put the papers on the table.. " Here's what you need for today Sir, rest I'll finish before my shift today.. Thank you.." He just nods a little, not even looking back at me.. The fuck?

It's me who should ignore him, not the opposite.. I press my lips out of frustration, and turn back to leave, when something crashes under my hill..

I look down to see some broken pieces of something.. I bend down, and take a piece of it.. What is it? And then my eyes catch something..

In the corner of the room, there are so many pieces of plastics, I move forward to it to see a telephone wire is laying lifelessly.. I look back up at his table to see his pen case has fallen on the table, pens and pencils will be found in different areas of the table..
He's a very organized person.. He doesn't like messed up things.. And then I see the telephone place is empty.. I look down again, and find the missing telephone.. I sigh, and about to look at him, when I see the wall in front of me..

Broken, the plaster of the wall has fallen from some places, the cement that are hidden by those colored plasters can be seen, and some places colored with

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now