(4) Jimin...

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" No No NO NO NOOOO Oppppaaaa!!!!! OOppppaaaa please let me go oppa please let me go, he'll kill me oppa let me go oppa.." Areum started screaming the minute she saw Jimin in front of her..

" Areum shhhh listen listen to me calm down he won't do anything to you okay? please calm down

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" Areum shhhh listen listen to me calm down he won't do anything to you okay? please calm down.. I'm here calm down shhh it's okay.." Seokjin said

" Oppa he.. he'll kill me oppa, he-he'll take me away from here Oppa.."

" Areum Shh baby it's okay I'm here.. He won't do anything.. Look at him closely... Please calm down, I'm here for you baby.." With her frightening eyes she looked at Jimin's eyes, which was showing her the moment he got a chance he would rip her off, and snitch her flesh just by looking at her.. She looked down at him slowly to see his hands ,and feet were attached to a chain..

" He won't do anything baby.. Calm down.. Here, drink some water.." Seokjin offered her a glass of water, and she gulped that with her shaky hands..

" Why.. Why he-he's here Oppa?" She held Seokjin so tightly, that if she let him go, Jimin would kill her..

" He's here to repay his sins.." He said bluntly, and she looked at him..

" Oppa it's not possible.. He-He is sick.."

" Who the fuck you're calling sick? Want me to show you what sickness feels like? " Jimin said, and smirked.. She gulped harshly..

" Oppa.." She whispered.. Seokjin looked at her and smiled.. " He won't do anything.." Then he looked at Jimin.. " Right Jimin?"

" Fuck you, and your words.. Let me go.. Just release me once I'll make sure to kill you 1st, then I'll have her as my dessert.. I really am craving for sweets nowadays.. " He started laughing..

Seokjin got up, but she held him tight.. He patted her shoulder two times, and smiled a little, to show her he got it.. Then he got up, and got close to Jimin..

" Oppa please he's not ok.. Don't go close to him please.." But he was already in front of Jimin..

He was a little bit taller than Jimin, his broad shoulder, dark aura was enough to make Jimin stop, and it was obvious that he got a little bit scared to see his face..

Seokjin looked directly into his eyes, just to make sure he got the message that whatever he was trying to do wouldn't happen..

" Want me to do the thing I've already told you? " Seokjin whispered, Jimin's body stiffed a little.. He gulped, and looked down..

" Do what I say, or you're gonna regret it.." Seokjin gritted and said slowly.. Jimin was fuming under his stare.. He looked up at him while Seokjin just tilted his head, and wiggled his brow..

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now