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I need a hug please..

Midnight brings the most emotional site of me.. I'm writing this one at 2 in the morning and I've decided I'm not gonna change a single word I'm writing here once I woke up tomorrow..

As you can see I've put a full stop on my book. The book I've always cherished the most. Loved the most..

Reading an ff till the end thinking what will happen to the side character, starting to make scenarios about that character to listening to a song and making a whole storyline inside my mind... I'm here..

Finally I've formed my thoughts, my imaginations in a book that I'm so proud of..

Never have I ever thought I'll start writing because I sucked at it. It's been roughly a year and a half I've updated myself. I've my own style of writing now..

Some hated it some loved it but that's okay. This book is so so so close to me that I used to think all the time what'll be the next scene? How am I gonna match the whole scenario with a little bit of twist..

I bet who are reading this chapter either got the message from me or you're my regular reader..

Whoever you're.. I'M BLESSED TO HAVE YOU HERE.. My readers who supported me in this whole journey, encouraged me to keep writing, and helped me to bring out the best version of this book..


Thank you so much for supporting me till the end. Thank you for staying with me till the end. I might get a few readers, but I've got the best one..

What will happen to me now: 

I've once took this decision that I'll leave Wattpad. I still don't know if I'll or not. Though I'm gonna rewrite the whole book once again. I've made so many mistakes and gonna correct them. Some tiny minor changes of the scenes can be there can't promise..

I may or may not write one shots if my mind come up with new ideas. Oh a little announcement out of nowhere


I'm gonna write a spin off of this book. An alternative ending you may call.. Please look forward to it..

You can ask anything about this book now. I'll love to answer every question (If I get any lol)

I don't know why I can't say goodbye to you.. Which is why I'm still writing.. Already surpassed 400 words.. Goodbye chapter shouldn't be this lengthy..

I don't know how to say goodbye to this book.. I lived in this book.. I've grown up a little by this book..

But everything has to come to an end write?

Thank you so much to each and everyone who was, will gonna be with me and this book. Word can't express how much I'm honored to have you with me...

My emotions took over me this time I don't know why I'm crying it's just a book. A simple book I've just finished.. Just a book where I poured my heart on it..

Again thanks a lot for being here with me. I won't forget anyone of you. You guys, and this book is so precious to me..

I'll cherish them forever..

This is your author nim JinsRedEar

Turning the last page of the book REGRET K.TH

Thank you



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