(8) Poison ⚜⚜

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Sometimes you feel like you lost everything.. You have nothing in this life to rely on.. Or maybe something, or someone is forcing you to stay alive another day.. You just need a reason, and you're living on that reason..
Sometimes you feel like what if life wasn't like this.. What if you could do something else which could turn your life to a good lead.. Where you were about to lose everything, but maybe found something which might give you a hope to live a happy life after all..

Jimin is feeling exactly like that when he sees her.. The one and only person that keeps him alive till now.. The fear of losing her, the fear of someone may hurt her.. He wasn't living for himself but for Suzy.. How could he do that to her own sister, when their parents already died when Suzy was only 3 years old.. Their uncle gave her up for adoption, when Jimin faced something like Taehyung did.. But the difference is Taehyung couldn't help himself...

Where Jimin literally killed his uncle who abused him mentally, also physically as far as he can remember..

He was searching for his sister for so long, but couldn't find her until he met her in the asylum.. Nothing.. Just nothing.. Just a simple scar on her leg, right above the ankle was the proof he gave her by himself, that she was the one..

Universe was always against them.. Jimin could do everything and anything to get her sister back.. He was a psycho for sure, but for his sister he could be a human again..

Jimin forgets everything.. Whatever is around him.. He forgets where he is.. He sees the face he dreamt to touch for a split of seconds... To hold her for a moment.. To feel what family is.. is in front of her..

" Oppaa..." She smiles like she tries to keep her happiness locked in a jar just for this moment when she'll be able to see her brother again.. The way her eyes start to sparkle due to happiness, and all sorts of emotion.. Anybody can fall for it..

Jimin runs to her, pushing Seokjin out of his way, just to hold her tightly.. He stops in front of her.. Taking some seconds to see if this is one of his dreams he used to see since they parted ways.. A shaky hand of his slowly goes upward on her cheek..The moment he feels the warmth of her, he closes his eyes, exhales sharply, when Suzy hugs her, wrapping him so close to him..

Suzy hugged her tightly.. Never gonna let him go.. Jimin wraps her by his arm.. He basically forgets what she actually felt like.. Her face was known to him for sure, but it's been more than a decade since he held her this close.. Jimin holds her face to see if it is real or not.. " Suzy..." He whispers, where she just nods while crying like a baby.. Jimin again holds her like she's a fragile thing, which is about to fade away, and he's giving his everything to keep it safe..

REGRET K.TH FF (Book 2) ✔️[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now