Chapter 34

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y/n pov:

once we arrived it was kinda not that bad the waterfall was really pretty. Orochimaru did some hand signs and the waterfall pulled apart leaving us space, once were are inside  I see boxes in the cave and a bunch of other things, the boxes are the ones Misa, Sakura, and I were going through while I was healing

I put my bag down and look around

''you will need those hand signs without them you won't be able to enter if you enter without making those hand signs it will be like someone is intruding so an alarm like sound goes off and I will have to attack and I won't have time to see if it is you or not''

I nod and Orochimaru showed me the hand signs, I did the hand signs and the waterfall opened again and we went outside, this is a cool cave

Orochimaru and I then started practicing I had to tell him what I can do, which is wind, lightning, and a bit of water

''I heard you need be good at water style for most of you techniques to be perfected''

I nod and he continues ''well then let's begin''

''the user of water release usually use existing water sources such as lakes or rivers but you can also create water within your body with chakra the first jutsu is basic but we have to start somewhere''

the first jutsu was Mizu no Warusobi -trick of water-
(a simple trick that involves a simple flick of one's hand and a muster of sweat in the fingers)

Orochimaru had some scrolls in his hand and then showed me the signs, and I did the jutsu without a problem. The next jutsu was Mizu Kagami no jutsu -water mirror technique
(allows the user to turn water into a mirrored surface, this can allow the user to see behind themselves) and the same again, I had no problem

the next jutsu was Mizu Tate no Jutsu -water shield technique-
( a shield of water formed around the user as a cylindrical barrier that reaches just above the users head)

Suirou no Jutsu -water prison technique-
(a move used to trap the victim inside a prison of water) was the next jutsu and once again no problem

Mizu Soujuu -water manipulation
(this involves learning basic manipulation like freezing, boiling, and pressurization of water), I thought this one was going to be easy but I couldn't boil the water or even freeze it, nothing happened

''now that interesting'' I hear Orochimaru say from behind me

''why can't I do this one? It's the same I cant boil blood either, and since I need to perfect water style to do most of our techniques I won't be able to boil someone's blood unless I can do this'' I wipe away some sweat that formed on my forehead, I have been trying this jutsu for some time but I have been able to get it

''y/n'' Orochimaru calles out and I stop trying to do the jutsu ''come here'' he signaled me over and I make my way towards him''does this jutsu scare you'' he asked as he read through one of the scrolls in his hand

''yeah kinda this jutsu can kill people I don't want people to die''

he looked at me before he continued reading the scroll, after some time he gave me the scrolls and told me to read it

''if the l/n are scared of any technique even just a little no matter how hard they try they won't be able to perfect it, l/n use their chakra to do most of our blood techniques you won't be able to perfect the jutsu, l/n chakra are linked with their emotion so if you are afraid of the jutsu you won't be able to do it''

I give Orochimaru the scroll back and sigh

''let's take a small break'' he said and went towards the cave, I take a seat in front of the waterfall and try again to freeze it or maybe boil it, but nothing

I look at my reflection seeing Takashi for a moment before he disappeared, I close my eyes, and once again I am at the place me and Takashi last met


''hey, y/n'' he smiled as he took a seat in front of me ''having some trouble?''

I nod and sigh putting my hands in front of my face ''ever since we linked and you died I haven't been able to get my mind straight, I killed you Takashi''

''you didn't, that's just how things are with the l/n one of the chosen 2 have to die, I was going to do the same with you but luck just wasn't on my side so don't blame yourself''

''I just don't want to hurt people with this power''

''you will need to at some point, if one of your friends are in trouble you will have to save them from the enemy'' he said

''yeah but still-''

''y/n you will need to face this fear'' he put his hand on my shoulder, I look up and see him disappearing


''seems like I come when you need some advice and someone to talk to '' he smiled as he waved goodbye

I open my eyes and see I am back at the cave. The rest of the day I just tried to perfect this one jutsu but at the end of the day I came nowhere

we enter the cave and ate something. I make my way towards my backpack and take out  paper and write to boruto, Orochimaru then told me tomorrow will be different than today

I lay down and close my eyes falling asleep immediately

the next was different we didn't practice at all, I was reading the scrolls I found at the mist and some scrolls from my attic

''do you know where the l/n are originally from'' Orochimaru asked as his eyes were closed and he sat in front of the waterfall, I think he was meditating

''I heard that the branch family are from the leaf and the main family from the mist''

''yeah I met an l/n before they were coming from the mist heading towards the leaf, there were 2 of them and they a child, really nice people except for the father he was a bit harsh'' he said

''I never met any l/n except for Takashi and my father I can't remember my mother that well'' I say and then remember all the things that happened with Takashi and  my head dropped ''who were the people?''

''m/l/n and f/l/n''

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