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"It was just a nightmare." She had told herself a few minutes after jolting awake. The empty cold space beside her made her realize that she had overslept. Feitan was no where to be seen and now she had to walk herself downstairs where the rest of the rebellion were either having breakfast or going over the same old plan of taking their land back. Going to sleep angry was not a good thing for the both of them.

They slept with their backs facing towards them for half of the night until one of them finally woke up irritated by the freezing air and wrapped their arms around their lover, itching to feel their warm body to be pressed against theirs and with that their small argument was tossed behind them. When morning finally came the same grey sky took over and woke them up. Except they stayed in bed for a few long hours, wrapped in their arms as they laid under their warm blankets. He stared down at her watching her peacefully sleep until finally growing out of his daze and getting out of bed.

"You talk a lot while you sleep." The sound of the woman's voice coming from her closet made her jump in fear. For a moment she thought she had imagined it but instead the old witch who had the gentle touch of a kind woman came out instead with a few needles and colorful threads.

"What are you doing inside my room?" She leaned against the back of her headboard as she cautiously kept her eyes on the witch.

"I expected you to be a lot kinder to me since I helped many of your friends but I guess cold blood runs through the Saturn family." She gave her a humorless smile, yanking (y/n)'s hand out from under the covers to show her once (s/t) skin turn into a dark cold blue. A fragile hand that could shatter into pieces if it was hit, just like ice. "The nightmares are getting worse, aren't they? What did you dream of this time? Your betrothed? Your mother? Your friend who sacrificed to save you a few weeks ago-"

"If you're going to keep pestering me then I'm going back to sleep." She cut her off before she could continue to hit the deep wound she had in her heart. "This is what I get for listening to my mother. Tell me witch," she perked up, eyes that were once full of life had turned grey, almost pearl like as if the curse was taking over every hour that passed by. "how many days do you think I have left?"

"Days? Not days, maybe a few weeks or months as long as you don't keep feeding the curse. You'll be in pain for the rest of your life if something doesn't kill you before the curse does." She dropped her hand and sat on the warm bed, taking Feitan's place. "When the cold is gone everyone will be free once again."

Her words were a cut into (y/n)'s heart. She had a gut feeling that the cold wasn't the only thing that was going to die sooner or later.

"What are you doing in my room?" She repeated her question, this time more stern and dangerous, the voice she had learned to use back in her palace when her mother was preparing her to take over her throne.

"Feitan doesn't like the idea of you trying to get out of this palace but we've talked and he finally agreed to take you to your old home. Just so you can get a personal view of what's currently happening back there." She gave her a sly wink, pulling a bag from under the bed and then dumping everything out. Needles, syringes and many of what seems like medicine plop onto her comforts. "A kingdom that still stands deserves to know where their queen is at." She smiled but (y/n) wasn't paying attention to her.

"What's this?" She asked, curiously picking up one of the containers to try and figure out what the dark substance was inside.

"Antidotes to your curse."

Cold -Feitan X Reader-Where stories live. Discover now