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"I haven't been in the kingdom for so long! Do tell, how worst have things gotten?"

"They've gotten worse." Feitan spoke for (y/n) as the three of the walked around their base.
(Y/n) only frowned, he was telling the truth and it only embarrassed her coming from a royal family that ate their own people. She looked around their hidden base, it was unique, no one would have suspected the rebellion using a broken down palace as their base. She had to admit, they were pretty smart.
It bothered her that it was dusty, filled with spiderwebs, and a few broken doors.

"You should really fix this place up." She scoffed, annoyed of walking into the spiderwebs that hung from the ceiling. Luckily the witch didn't hear her remark, but Feitan did. He responded with a small slap on the back of her head, signaling her to be quiet. (Y/n) only glared at him, if only they were back at the palace then she would have already given him another punishment. Sadly she wasn't, this was his palace. The palace he was raised in by both of his parents, his old home where it was destroyed to the ground because others didn't like them. The home where he refused to take his fathers crown because he couldn't handle sitting in the throne where his mother died.

But (y/n) didn't need to know that.

"Well then, luckily for us we have one princess on our side, I do hope Phinks hurries up."

"Is your friend a royal guard as well? Who is he assigned to?"

"I do believe I assigned him to the Neptune kingdom, in other words, prince Phoenix."

(Y/n) blinked in surprise, the rebellion were a lot smarter than she thought they were. Sending their own soldiers to become royal guards to find out if they could help the rebellion was truly amazing. She wondered if the empire ever bothered to think that the rebels worked right underneath their noses.

She sighed, "Prince Phoenix is not going to agree with helping, he's too proud of his work."

"Good, then we tell Phinks to just kill him already." Feitan scoffed, preparing himself to leave the palace already.

She shot a glare at Feitan for automatically deciding to kill the prince. Even if Prince Phoenix was a cruel man he was still her childhood friend. She could never think of killing him, she thought if she tried to convince him at least then perhaps he would change.

"No! You can't do that." She said, pulling his sleeve, stopping him in the middle of the hallway to gain his full attention.

"Why not?"

"Because, he's my friend. I can change his mind."

"You can't just do that, not everyone can easily change-"

"You changed mine."

Feitan stared at her, he kept his mouth shut instead of saying anything. He looked down at her, her (e/c) eyes digging into his. For a moment he felt his face grow warm. He clicked his tongue, closing his eyes to avoid looking at her directly.

"You two remind me of the times me and my husband used to argue. You guys make such a lovely couple."

Both of them flinched from her words, pushing each other way.

"H-He's not my husband!"

"As if I'd marry her." He snapped, annoyed of both of them.

The witch only bursted into laughter, walking off without them, leaving them alone. (Y/n) sighed, following the witch and leaving him behind. Even if she didn't have any feelings towards him it still hurt her feelings. Disappointed with herself, she ignored her feelings, telling herself that there wasn't any possible way that she was falling for her guard.
Besides, she would be marrying Prince Eric in a couple of months, she had to focus herself on other things than being in love with a scum.
She caught up to the witch, getting ready to say her goodbyes.

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