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(Y/n) walked down the hallway, her royal guard following behind her.

Feitan felt incredibly uncomfortable in the uniform, never had he worn such expensive material in his life. A uniform from the royal family could easily make him a rich man if he sold it to the right person. He noticed her fidgeting with her fingers, he figured she was nervous.

(Y/n) hesitated to open the door that led towards the balcony. Princess Jupiter was waiting for her there, she could already hear her loud blabbering coming from inside. A headache was already forming inside her and she hadn't even spoken to Jupiter at all.

"I do apologize in advance if I lose my temper."

"I don't care as long as you don't release your anger on to me."

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, leaning her back onto the door and crossing her arms from his sudden change of tone.

"What's this? A guard who speaks his mind without any shame? You really do lack manners."

Feitan sighed, not interested if (y/n) was rude to someone else. As long as it wasn't him, he wasn't bothered.

She pushed the door with her back, opening it and entering the room that led to the only largest balcony in the palace. Princess Jupiter waited for her there, as usual, she came with her royal guard. She was running her mouth to a servant who awkwardly stood there, nodding and taking notes to what she wanted for her dessert. Once she noticed their presence, she beamed with a smile on her face.

"(Y/n)!" Jupiter shouted, completely forgetting her manners. She jumped out of her seat and ran to her with open arms but (y/n) stepped to the side to avoid her bug. Jupiter didn't let that bother her, she latched onto her arm and walked her to her seat. "It's been so long! Look at you, you never took my advice. Low buns make you look ugly- oh who's this?"

Jupiter finally stopped talking, her attention on (y/n)'s guard. She gave him a weak, shaky smile, her face flushed from noticing his attractive features. Feitan on the other hand begun to grow uncomfortable with her stares.
He took a cautious step back.

"A new prince?"

"My guard." (Y/n) corrected her.

"Your guard!? How is that possible if he looks like a prince?" Jupiter whispered to her. "I'm jealous, my guard isn't attractive."

(Y/n) clenched her teeth, already annoyed by her presence. Before Jupiter could even lay a hand on her guard, she pulled her away from him. (Y/n)'s hand wrapped tightly around her arm, harshly pulling her away from Feitan.

"Don't touch my guard."

"And don't touch my lady." Jupiter's guard appeared from beside her, his hand on the grip of his sword. He warned her by slowly stepping closer to the princess but was stopped by Feitan stepping in the way.

"It goes both ways." He caught himself by surprise, never did he think that he would try and defend the princess.

She clicked her tongue, finally releasing Jupiter. It was far too early to be causing problems, Cammy would scold her for the rest of the day and force her to stand still with a book on her head if she threw another tantrum.

"If you came here just to cause problems then leave."

"Your fiancé told me to come talk to you about the decorations. What colors did you have in mind?" She asked as the two finally took their seats.

"I'm not sure yet."

"How about flowers? Have you thought about anything at all? You know Eric is really stressed out that you're not helping him."

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