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They watched as the elders first all sat down, she wasn't interested in taking apart of the feast anyway. She feared that her marks would only continue to grow if she didn't stop. She was hoping that she could sneak out before the younger ones ate.

"Thank you all for joining!"

Her mothers voice boomed through the ball room. Everyone went quiet, bringing their attention to the evil queen who didn't seem to give mercy to anyone. The room instantly went silent, everyone fearing that if they made one small noise the queen would go after them. (Y/n) always wondered how much of her body was marked, her mother always wore sleeved and long clothing. She always hid her skin from the world as well.

"As always, the elders will feast first. Then the young ones will have the rest of the party to themselves."

The elders all clapped, knowing that they would enjoy having another huge feast like this. It had been months since they last ate like pigs and they would surely do so tonight.

"As you all know my daughter will be crowned queen in a couple of months, including getting married to prince Eric, who is running a bit late."

Oh, so that's why I haven't seen Eric.

The crowd brought their attention to (y/n). They all clapped for her, knowing that they would most likely having another feast on her coronation and wedding day. This year truly was amazing for them. Three feasts in one year was like a dream come true. (Y/n) awkwardly smile, getting shy from all the attention on her.

"Well then, let's feast."

The elders all took their seats, immediately digging into the food. (Y/n) sighed, feeling relieved when everyone's eyes were off her. She  stepped off her throne to get a drink just so her and Feitan could stretch their legs for a bit. She felt a heavy weight of anxiety lift off her shoulders now that the attention was off her for once. Feitan followed her, disgusted that the elders could easily eat their food without thinking that it once had a life. They're food once had dreams and families just like they did, yet they didn't take a moment to think about it.

"How can you live like this?"

She shot him a glare, "Keep quiet, if any of them hear you you'll get thrown in the oven for even speaking like that."

He glanced at the elders who forced the food down their throats. He doubted any of them were paying attention to them. They were more interested in their food than the younger ones.

"I doubt they can hear us."

"Trust me, I don't want to live like this." She assured him. She grabbed a drink from the table and drank it all in one sip. The drink burning her throat, washing down her anxious thoughts with the liquid.

"Then you should do something about it."

(Y/n) glanced at him, "What have you been doing to stop this mess?"

"I've been helping people get out of situations, risking my life to save others that have been captured by your street guards." He snapped.

They stood in the back of the room, watching them eat from afar. Both of them were disgusted with how things ended up like this. The nightmare they were living didn't seem to end. The only chance they had for it to finally be over would be the moment (y/n) is crowned. Though the chances for other rich families to rebel against her were high. They would bring her down and would most likely slaughter her as well for being a traitor.

"Do you have any family members?" She asked, changing the topic.

"Just my father."

"And you're mother is..?-"

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