Chapter Two

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| Lorraine Motel |


"Доброе утро, солдат." The Phantom Fox sat in the chair, staring at her new handler blankly
(Good morning, soldier.)

"Я готов подчиниться." She replied in a monotone voice, 
(I am ready to comply.)

"У вас новая миссия." Colonel Vasily Karpov her handler spoke, handing the redhead a beige folder, 
(You have a new mission.)     

usually, the assassin would a clue where she was. Sometimes she'd try and figure it out by their accents, but most of the time it's tricky. But this particular time not so much, she knew she was in Russia. The sound of the man thick Russian accent echoed around the large room as he spoke. 

the Phantom Fox took the folder off the man, flipping it open, her eyes again scanned over the information. 


ФАЙЛ: 8630287

ИМЯ: Мартин
ФАМИЛИЯ: Кинг-младший

ДАТА РОЖДЕНИЯ: 1 января 1929 года
МЕСТО РОЖДЕНИЯ: Атланта, Джорджия

РАСА: Афро- Американец
Возраст: 39
ВЫСОТА: 5' 7"
ВОЛОСЫ: Темно-коричневые
Глаза: Темно-карие

ТРУДОУСТРОЙСТВО: Активист движения за гражданские права
Языки: английский



FILE: 8630287

NAME: Martin
SURNAME: king Jr. 

DATE OF BIRTH: January 1, 1929
PLACE OF BIRTH: Atlanta, Georgia 

RACE: African- American
AGE: 39
HEIGHT: 5' 7"
HAIR: Dark Brown
EYES: Dark Brown

EMPLOYMENT: Activist of the Civil Rights Movement



the Phantom Fox scanned the folder, glancing at the photo of the man at the bottom of the file. Handing the folder back at Karpov, she gave him a solid nod. 

the Phantom Fox stood up and followed an agent down the hall and to where her weapons were kept. Walking in, her black bow was laying on the metal table and a few handguns and combat knives beside them. 

the redhead fitted the mask on her face, instantly making her feel like a chained dog. She knew Hydra of her no less than a dog, a dog ready to do anything it's commanded. Her suit wasn't even really a suit, it was more of a skin-tight straight jacket. All the buckles, belts and straps just made it pretty hard to run in. 

it also wasn't even the easiest suit to do archery in, she had to pull her hand back to her jaw to shoot a bow, and it's a miracle that the suit hadn't torn yet. Well, if it did, she didn't remember. And to be honest she's glad she doesn't remember it. If she ever did rip her suit, her handler would probably be pretty mad.

gripping her bow in her hand, the Phantom Fox followed an agent out of the base. The black sky was littered with small stars and the moon that glowed brightly. She stepped into the back of a black car and waited for the agent to start driving. 


after ready a few signs during the drive, the Phantom Fox realised she was in Tennesse. Memphis, Tennesse. Looking out the window, the soldier found the city lights passing by beautiful. 

she shouldn't have been feeling these types of emotions, but the city lights and the stary night just fantasised her. But was soon brought out of her thought by the car pulling into an apartment build across from a motel. The motel, 'Lorraine Motel' seemed pretty busy, but she soon realised that some of the cars were for the security guards. 

as The Phantom Fox stepped out of the car, she was approached by two men dressed in pull back suits. Hydra had eyes and ears everywhere so she wasn't surprised the men had approached her and gestured her to follow her. Walking into the apartment, she realised someone must have lived there as there was food on the table. 

The Phantom Fox walked over to the window, she didn't even spare the men in the room a glance as she pushed the window open and held out her hand with the one with her black bow in it. From the corner of her eye, she could see the men looking at her confused. She came with a quiver on her back, but no arrows in it. 

but in the blink of an eye, she wavered her hand over the top of the quiver and a bunch of her custom bow fill it. Her eyes scanned the area, waiting for her target to exit the motel room. 

after a few minutes of intense waiting and the men behind her clearly becoming more and more impatient by the second, The Phantom Fox finally saw the balcony door open. Revealing her target set out of the balcony and looking at the night sky. 

the best thing about using a bow and arrow as a weapon is that it's quiet. It doesn't make a sound, like a fox at night. A fox won't make a sound when hunting at night, the only noise it would make is the soft thud of its paws on the ground. Another way the woman got the codename 'The Phantom Fox.'

The Phantom Fox was a patient woman, but waiting a few minutes was already wasting her time. She quickly reaches back to grab a black arrow and gently placed it in her bow. As she let go of the arrow, the satisfaction of the arrow ripping through the man's chest and collapsing to the ground. 

 turning around, she looked at the men in the room. And before leaving she gave them a gentle nod before quickly making her way out of the apartment. As she sat back into the car, a crowd was gathering around the balcony for where the man stood. 

they must have heard the man making a loud thud as he fell to the ground because the arrow didn't make a sound, unlike a rifle. Leaning back in the car, The Phantom Fox let out a silent sigh and looking out the window as the car sped away. 

what she hated was the fact she could tie her hair back when she went on a mission. Her ginger wavy hair covered her eyes when she ran or shot her bow. And to say the least, it annoyed the shit out of the girl. But she deserved it, the mask, the suit everything. She deserved it, right? 

to be honest, she didn't know if she deserved it. Well, she likes to think she didn't deserve it, but she knew she couldn't question it. But she didn't know if she deserved it. Did she truly deserve to be silenced with her mask? Did she deserve to be squeezed to death by her suit? To be passed around to different Hydra handlers? To be treated like a dog? 

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