Chapter Three

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| MAGIC | 

EARLY 2013

over the years The Phantom Fox came more and more deadly and gained more blood on her hands. But anytime the assassin grew a bit of memory, she was put into the wiping machine. And to say that she was terrified of the machine was an understatement. 

but she also didn't fight against getting her memories wiped. She was a perfect Soldier, complied with every hander she got. No matter what they put her through. Whatever pain, fear, punishment. Everything was done without hesitation.

but sat in the back of a plane, The Phantom Fox stared at the group. She was told she was being moved to another base. And her new handlers name was a man named Baron Von Strucker. A leader of a Hydra base in the depts of a country called Sokovia. 

she also overheard the guards talking about her training some volunteers in combat before their experiments happen, and after the experiments. That's if they survive the experiment. Who's to say that they will? 

"мы приехали." An agent spoke as the plane came to a stop on the tarmac in Sokovia. Giving the man a single nod, The Phantom Fox stood up and made her way out of the plane, 
(We arrived.)

she didn't get to see much of the scenery but from the small glance she got, the place looked like they were at war. Screams and shouting could be heard in the distance, the soldier couldn't understand what they were talking about. She didn't know Sokovian,

"солдат."  Strucker walked up to the redhead with hands behind his back, 

"сэр." She replied with a gentle nod, looking at the man blankly. 

"Следуй за мной, солдат. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы встретились с нашими волонтерами." Sturcker span on his heels as he walked down the hall, The Phantom Fox not far behind. 
(Follow me, soldier. I would like you to meet our volunteers.)

the base was big, there were multiple halls and rooms. But walking down the halls The Phantom Fox took in every detail. Every turn, every room, all the numbers on the door, how much agents roam around the halls. 

It was close to a forest area and was higher up from the city. It was also located beside a large mountain. She didn't even have to guess to know the place would be freezing in Winter. 

it was rare that her handler told her where the base was located, usually, they would just bring her to the base and then send her on a mission. But like this time, the handler would tell her. But usually, when they do, she tends to stay longer than a few days or weeks.

walking into what she guessed was the training room, at least twenty people stood in the room. Whispers started to arise when The Phantom Fox looked around at everyone. "Я хотел бы, чтобы вы обучали их бою. А после экспериментов вы можете им помочь." He spoke,
(I would like you to train them in combat. And after the experiments, you can help them.

"Очень хорошо, сэр." She gave him a solid nod while making sure to keep a blank face. 
(Very well, sir.)

he turned around to leave, but before he did he spoke "Кроме того, говорите по-английски. Не многие здесь понимают русский язык." 
(Also, speak English. Not many people understand Russian here.

the redhead assassin looked around again at all the people. All ranging from different ages, the oldest being around the late 40s and the youngest seems to be only around 15. Letting out a deep sigh, The Phantom Fox thought about what she could teach them. 

they all looked like they lacked the basics in combat, and she didn't feel like getting stressed and annoyed. "I'm guessing none of you has experience in combat." She spoke,

she always wondered why she had an English accent on her. It always confused the girl when she spoke in an English accent. She never remembered going to England. Well, she doesn't remember anything, so that explains why she doesn't remember. 

"I was in the military for a few years." One man raised his hand, his thick Sokovia accent strong. 

"Anyone else?" The redhead questioned, but the weird feeling of a strong connection pulled at her brain. 

so once again she looked around at the group, and her eyes fell on a 15-year-old brunette who was close to a boy who looked the same age as her. So trying to tap into the mind of the girl to try and figure out what it was. 

"Chaos magic." The redhead muttered, after looking through the girl's mind. "Anyways, just run laps or something." 

out of fear, the volunteers start to jog around the room. But before Wanda could start running, a figure from The Phantom Fox appeared in front of her. But quickly disappeared. "So, chaos magic. How did you get it?" The assassin asked after walking up to the girl, 

usually, the assassin wouldn't talk to people, but she wanted to know how the girl got her powers. And making an illusion of herself standing in front of the girl would make her freeze before running.  

"What?" Wanda questioned, turning around to the woman behind her.

"You heard me. How did you get the magic?" The Phantom Fox question in a monotone voice. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Wanda's accent strongly pulled the room, 

the assassin looked the girl up and down, she realised that the brunette did indeed not have a clue what she was talking about. She didn't understand that she had chaos magic in her that could be powerful. 

The Phantom Fox was going to explain to the girl what was going on, but pushed it aside and brushed her off. Not bothered to tell her all the details, besides the redhead didn't fully understand chaos magic. 

only the fact that it was a small bit like black magic, with the part that you're unable to use it near sault and mountain ash. But she also knew that Black magic couldn't be stolen from the person and neither could chaos magic.

 But black magic was stronger since it was dark magic and it was worked off negative emotion, unlike other magic that worked off the power in the world. 


The Phantom Fox sat in her cell, the cell was definitely better than the ones she was used to. There were no windows so it was a tiny bit warmer, and it was much brighter. There was a light on the roof that provided the light. 

she was also given so building blocks as well, she was told they were practising her telekinesis. So currently the redhead was sat on the stone floor bouncing some blocks in the air. but to make it more difficult for herself she conjured more in. 

you probably think if she could conjure blocks in, she could conjure food in. She would've but she wasn't allowed to do it and is the perfect soldier she was. She complied and agreed with the rules. 

and to be honest, she problem wouldn't be able for food. Her stomach would probably through it back up again. She didn't get to much eat, and being frozen for years and years, her stomach was pretty weak. 

but whenever she did get to eat, she was only really given some sort of liquidised food. It didn't taste the best but it was the only one she got to eat and she was ordered to eat it. And orders are order, right? 

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