Chapter Four

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EARLY 2013

The Phantom Fox had been at the base about a few weeks. And about half of the volunteers had been experimented on. And no one had survived, Strucker was becoming furious. He knew that there was an extremely low chance of someone serving the touch of the sceptre, but he was still mad no one had survived. 

he just sat in his office thinking. That's all he was doing, that's all he could do. Think. There was nothing she could do, no one was surviving the experiments. He was just hoping that the last ones would survive it. If only one or two survived. 

he just needed one or two to be enhanced, so he could monitor them and see how their body didn't reject the sceptre. And what sort of abilities they have.

he let out a defeated sigh before there were two knocks at his door, "Sir, we have these files on the recent volunteer's." The agent handed the files to Strucker, " Oh, and I was told you should've got an email from a man named Alexander Pierce." He added, 

"Thank you," Strucker opened the first file, there was a red 'Failed' stamp going through the file, the second one had the same, as well as the third. But the fourth caught his eye, 

there was no 'Failed' stamp, but there was no information on the volunteer,  he hadn't died, but there was no information on what supernatural ability he had if he even had one. 

glancing down to the information on the boy 'Pietro Maximoff, twin and orphan at the age of ten when a shell collapsed the apartment building his parents were in.'

"Pietro Maximoff," Strucker uttered to himself as he nodded his head, he remembered the dark brunette boy. His twin sister Wanda and him were at a riot when Strucker had approached the two. 

they two couldn't have been more than 17 when he had convinced the two to volunteer. So again skimming his eye down through the information he found out the boy was only 16 years old. 

as the man read over the information again he let a small smile grow on his face. This was the first sign of progress, only if the boy survived but get any supernatural ability. He still survived the sceptre. 

he was pulled out of his thoughts by the noise of his computer alerting him of a notification. He shifted his gaze to see it was the email from another Hydra leader in America. Alexander Pierce.


The Phantom Fox noticed the big drop in people every day. She had only been at the base a few and there were about ten people lift in the training room when she walked in. There were 20 people when she started, now there was only ten.

she had finally taught some of the volunteers some of the basics of combat. It was exhausting. but she had to do it. She was ordered to, which meant she had to do it. No, 'if's or 'but's. It's a 'Yes, sir.' or else a nod of the head, 

she didn't even dare to speak out of turn. Too afraid of what her handlers might do to her. She was supposed to be this emotionless assassin but the thing was, her life was surrounded by fear. Fear of standing somewhere that she wasn't, fear of doing something wrong, fear of a punishment she might receive. 

but not just fear, but anger, sadness. But also she felt numb. Like she had no emotions at the same time. She knew she wasn't supposed to have these feelings, she knew she wasn't supposed to remember. 

that's why she was wiped once every few days. To assure that she would never remember. But the thing was, what did they not want her to remember? Or why didn't they want her to remember? 

as horrible as Hydra was, the redhead assassin knew there was a reason. Hydra never did anything without a reason. There was always something going on, on the other side of the paper. 

but she also didn't understand why she was treated the way she was. Like a dog, or a rag doll. You play with it when you are bored and want to do something. But then when you finished with the rag doll, you just toss it aside like it's nothing. She was nothing. 

she was just like a rag doll, only used for killing people, and then when she was unwanted. She was tossed back in her cell or else cryo freeze. 

but the thing was, she didn't know if the killing was actually the right thing to do. Was killing people the right thing to do? She didn't know, and she also didn't question anyone about it. 

even if it was a random person on the side of the road. Hydra would somehow find out she asked the question and punish her. The thing was, she could never run away from Hydra. Hydra was in her. Hydar was her. Without her, she assumed that Hydra wouldn't be able to live. 

well, they always had The Most Elite Death Squad. Nearly as many kills as her. The Phantom Fox had more kills than anyone in Hydra history. But there was also someone else. She hadn't heard much about him, but from what she heard was that he was nearly as deadly as her. 

what made her so powerful was her combat skills, her patience, her stealth skills, archery and most importantly her superpowers. There was her upper hand in most fights. She could make an illusion and make her target be fighting the illusion while she crept but behind him. 

the other assassin from Hydra was The Winter Soldier. The oldest assassin in Hydra history. Hundreds of assassinations over 70 years. 

While The Most Elite Death Squad had the most kills for a group in Hydra history. But the deadliest assassin in all of Hydra history. 

The Phantom Fox

thousands of assassinations in under 60 years. She's just like a fox, stealthy-like, smart, cunning, sly. Expert hearing, perfect sense of smell. Everything you'd ever want in an assassin is in The Phantom Fox, 

a compliant soldier takes order from any handler that knows her codes words. Hasn't failed a mission once. That's why her price goes up higher and higher every time she's sold to someone else. 

she's like the Mona Lisa. Priceless. You'd be lucky to get a look at her at a bidding place. Her price went from a few hundred to now a few million. But most Hydra leaders were rich anyway. 

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