Chapter Thirty-Two

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JUNE, 2016

Bucky and Cassie walk hand in hand through the local market. They had survived just a little over two years together, yes they felt safer because they thought that if anyone was to find them, they would've already been found by now.

But there was still that lingering feeling that there was still someone after them. But with all the shit that they were going through, they tried to have at least semi-normal life. "sunt acestea? Sunt bune?" Bucky picked up a plum in his hand with his gloved hand.
(How are they? Are they good? )

"Proaspăt, doar tras ieri." The older woman answered while she smiled at the couple,
(Fresh, just pulled yesterday.)

"Dă-mi șase, vă mulțumesc." Bucky smiled back while Cassie looked over her shoulder, something felt off to her.
(Give me six, thank you.)

The woman grabbed six plums and put them in a plastic bag, she grabbed the money off Bucky before she handed the fruit to him. "What is it?" Bucky noticed that Cassie was acting weird, she was looking around more.

"I just have a weird feeling. It's probley nothing..." She trailed off before her trained eyes stopped a man looking across the street. In a black cap and casual jacket Bucky walks along scanning around.

Across the street, he spots the same man Cassie was looking at suspiciously at, he was standing behind a newsstand watching him, and only him. Bucky glances away, then looks back at the vendor who's still watching him. But soon the vendor runs from his kiosk and glanced back at him.

Bucky glances over at Cassie wasn't even looking at him. She held onto his hand tighter and crossed over the street and picks up a paper. On the front page, there are surveillance photos of a man and the head line: 'Winter Soldier cautat Pentru Bombardmentul din Viena'. Bucky glances around tensely.
(Winter Soldier wanted for the Vienna Bombing.)

Cassie looked up at Bucky nervously, she knew Bucky wouldn't do anything like this without will. But whoever was framing him, knew a lot not just about him but also her. Whoever was framing her knew that she'd just shapeshift so no one what she actually looked like.

But also, whoever was framing him had another plan. He wasn't just framing him. No, he had a bigger plan. But she just didn't know what it was yet. "Come on. We need to go home." Bucky grabbed her hand the two walked back.

Cassie didn't know if she should be happy or not, of course not with the situation. Someone was framing her boyfriend for a murder he didn't commit. But in all of the two years, the two have been in Romain, he's never called the apartment 'Home.'

when they walked up to the door, the door was already opened. Bucky and Cassie shared a glace and both shook their head. Tell the other that they did lock the door after them. Which made the two more tense than what they already were.

In his dark blue, armoured suit with his shield on his arm, Steve is in their small apartment. He looks around, there's a mattress with dishevelled covers and various bits of cheap-looking furniture. The kitchen and bedroom are in the same room. Steve finds a notebook on top of the fridge. He picks it up and opens it. There are tabs of varying colours sticking out from amongst the pages.

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