Chapter Forty-One

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Cassie stirred in her sleep, Bucky's arm tightly wrapped around her small frame, pulling her closer to his bare chest. Her eyes started to flutter open to see three of the younger Wakandan children staring at her.

She shot up, bring the blankets to cover her body. The movement woke Bucky up and he caught a glance of the children running out giggling, he let out a small chuckle. 

Cassie sighed and fall back on the bed, her head resting on the pillow. "What is it like to only have one arm?" Cassie rolled on her side to face him.

"At the start it's hard, but I've nearly gotten used to it." He admitted, running his fingers through Cassie's orange hair.

Cassie just hummed in response and nodded her head. "We should get up, Jamie." She whispered.

Bucky just groaned and rolled on his back looking up at the roof of their hut. "Come on, love." Cassie placed a quick kiss on his sternum. 

He slowly sat up on the small bed and turned to face Cassie with a heartwarming smile. He couldn't believe he was with her. The both of them back to themselves- of course, they'd never be like their old selves. But the main thing was that they had each other.

"Soon, we'll have our own kid? Our own little family?" Bucky questioned, but didn't miss the way Cassie's face slightly fell. "You don't want a family?" 

"No, no of course I do. If you wanted to go live on the moon, I'd go with you. As long as I'd be with you." She shook her head, cupping the mans face him her hands.

"Then you don't want kids?" Bucky noticed the sadness that grew on Cassie's face.

"No, I love kids. I've always wanted kids. I just can't have them anymore." She sighed sadly,

Bucky noticed how upset the redhead was getting with the conversation, so he smiled. "We'll figure it out. You always do." He placed a gentle kiss on the top of her nose, making a smile grow on her face.

"I love you." She whispered, Bucky always knew how to comfort her and that was one of the reasons why she loved him.

"Love you more, gingerbread." He smiled watching her stand up and begun to get dressed. She didn't need anyone else running around seeing her half-naked. The brunette pouted watching her getting dressed, but Cassie just gave him a stern look. Making him get up and getting dressed as well.

Cassie linked her hand with Bucky when the two walked out of their hut, a smile formed on her face when she spotted Shuri by the lake with some of the kids. "Come on." She whispered as she pulled him towards Shuri. 

Bucky let out a shaky breath, which didn't go noticed by the redhead. She had already gotten used to the small area, the people, the animals but knew Bucky still hadn't. She gave him hand a squeeze slightly telling him that she was there with him. 

"Morning, Sargent Barnes." Shuri smiled at Bucky, "Cassie." She smirked at Cassie, who returned the smirk. 

"Bucky," He insisted, his grip on Cassie's hand tightened nervously. Cassie rested her head on his bicep and wrapped her other arm around their linked arms, pulling herself closer.

Bucky appreciated the fact that she was trying to comfort him. They did their best to try and comfort each other, Cassie knew that Bucky was more for physical affection than words. He was secretly a big softie. And the same with her. Shuri smiled at the couple, from the way Cassie spoke about him over the last month, it was clear that they loved each other. 

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