Chapter Twenty-Six

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It had been a day since Bucky lashed out at Cassie, was he guilty he did so? Yes. But also, was guilty of kissing the woman? Maybe? He didn't know, he'd wanted to do it for so long. Cassie was such a loving, sarcastic and kind heart even after all the shit she'd been put through with Hydra.

She always knew how to cheer up Bucky when he was feeling sad, she also knew when he was upset even if he wasn't showing it. And for those few moments that they kiss, his heart warmed up. Her touch just calmed him instantly, it was surreal how it worked. But it did.

Even if she was in a night terror and trying to kill him, she still managed to make him happy and forget his past just for a moment while they kissed. He was like a high school boy again, getting jittery and excited when he'd talk to her. 

She brightened up his world. And for years, Bucky thought he'd never feel any other emotion other than pain and fear. But when he was with Cassie- or even when he thought about the redhead. He couldn't help a small smile form on his face.

But when he kissed her it was like he ruined every bit of a connection the two had. But he didn't regret kissing her, not just because it saved his life. But because of the way her soft lips felt or the way her body melted into the kiss. 

He couldn't explain the feeling he felt during it. But it was like he was a firework in the sky like he was shooting up into the sky that night and exploding into stunning various colours. 

Cassie slammed the door shut as she glared at Bucky. She didn't even care about how strong she shut it and that it could come off her hinges. She scoffed as she saw the man sat on the counter throwing and catching one of her black conjured daggers. "Okay, you're going to tell me right this instant what is wrong with you." She questioned snappily, Bucky just rolled his eyes as he continued to throw the combat dagger in the air. Cassie caught the dagger mid-air and slammed it down on the counter, the black blade stabbing the wooden countertop.

"I'm talking to you." 

"What?" Bucky snapped at the redhead who continued to glare, "You're acting like you're my mother." He rolled his eyes,

"Well, I bloody well could be. Because you're acting like a fucking aggravating child that will refuse to tell the truth." She was spitting with rage, she couldn't take it anymore. He hadn't talked to her in two days and it was annoying her. She knew he was stubborn and that he would cool off a day later maybe. But no, it was the second day and she wasn't going to let it go any longer. But if she didn't say something, nothing would ever be said between the two again.

"What do you want me to say-" Bucky shouted, pushing himself off the counter but Cassie caught his wrist. Her three metal fingers wrapping tightly around his metal hand. If it was his normal hand his bone would more likely be crushed with how hard she held his wrist.

"The truth, what did I do to make you not talk to me for two days?!" She yelled back, she hated fighting with him. Like Bucky, Cassie felt comfort in the man and she hated fighting with him. But was like a lighthouse in her dark world. She had been able to push all her emotions to the back of her head, that's why she came across so kind, caring and sarcastic. But deep down inside, she was a scared, broken, timid little girl who couldn't trust anyone.

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