Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Oh come on, if this was the other way around you would never tell me you kissed me on the rood to try and save your ass." Bucky scoffed, but his eyes widened when he realised what he said. 

"So that's what you did? You kissed me?" Cassie looked at him shocked and had no idea what to say next. Or even what to think. The room was filled with tense silence, the two just staring at each other.

Bucky finally broke the silence with a cocky sentence "Oh don't flatter yourself, Carter." Before he grabbed his cap and jacket and stormed out of the room. Leaving a shocked and confused Cassie standing in her same spot. Not moving a muscle.

Cassie had no idea what to think, she was shocked. More than shocked she was astonished. But she was also confused. Confused as to why Bucky would kiss her, and why she couldn't remember a huge thing like a kiss. 

Was he ashamed of kissing her? Was he afraid she might yell at him? So many different questions ran through her mind. It was a confusing mess to her. Her emotions were going haywire and she knew that if she didn't control them soon shit would happen. That would definitely draw attention to them. 

But she realised that if no one heard their yelling, either normal people had a bad hearing or they weren't actually that loud. But they seemed loud when they were both yellings at each other. 

Just thinking about Bucky keeping this from her for two days angered her. She slammed her fist into the wall, causing her right knuckle to slip open.

"Fuck." She shouted before sitting down on the couch and putting her head in her hands. She doesn't want to be mad at Bucky for not telling her. But she tried to constantly remind herself he probley had a reason not to tell her. But she just couldn't see a reason why he wouldn't want to tell her. 


A few hours later, Bucky returned. He'd calmed down and saw Cassie still sat on the couch with her head in her hands. Cassie lifted her head to meet his gaze, he just stared blankly at her for a few minutes before he walked past her. 

He walked over to the sink and grabbed the old dishcloth. He sighed crouching in front of her on the couch and gently took her right hand and wiped the dried up blood from her knuckle. 

He didn't say a word while she looked at him confused. When Bucky was out walking around he realised one thing. He'd survived a year with the woman and she'd did so much to help him. And he was being a jackass and acting childish because he couldn't comprehend a kiss.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you." She whispered softly,

"You don't have to be. I'm the one who didn't talk to you for two days because of something." Bucky shook his head, sighing finally looking up at the redhead.

Cassie nodded her head, hesitating before she asked her next question. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Again Bucky sighed through his nose. He didn't know what to tell her, but he knew that if he didn't tell her the truth that when she ever found out she'd be even madder with him. "I was ashamed." He confessed, making the woman more confused.

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