Chapter Twenty-Two

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Cassie woke up to whimpers and the sound of the mattress squeaking. She sat up to see Bucky tossing and turning on the mattress. She didn't want him to go through the nightmare know what it's like. So she pushed the blanket off her and slowly walking up to the man. 

She crouched down beside him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, "Hey Bucky? Come on, you need to wake up." She spoke, but it wasn't working. 

"Bucky, you need to wake up. It's only a bad dream, it's not real." She repeated, 

But he wasn't walking up. She had one last idea, but she didn't really like the idea of it. She could enter his head and make him up that way. She knew that reading his mind was rude and was invading his privacy. But she wanted to wake him up. 

22-year-old Bucky was walking into Cassie apartment with a newspaper under his arm, "Oh, hey Buck. I didn't hear you come in." Steve was in the kitchen washing the dishes in the sink. 

"Hey, Steve. Is Cassie in?" Bucky at the scrawny blond man, 

"I think she's in her room. I'm making food, do you want some?" Steve questions, 

"Uhm, no I'm fine pal." Bucky gave Steve a tight-lipped smile, 

"Don't want to die of food poisoning," Bucky muttered under his breath walking down the hall to Cassie's room. Bucky knocked on Cassie's door waiting for an answer. 

But there wasn't one, Cassie didn't reply and there was no sound coming from the room "Doll?" Bucky called, just in case she didn't hear his knocking, 

But still, there was no response "Cassie?" Bucky pushed the door open to see the redhead laying on the bed with a book three-quarter open laying face up on her chest. A soft smile formed on the brunette's face while he looked at her, 

"Gingerbread?" Bucky sat on the edge of the bed gently shaking the girl awake. Cassie started to mumble nonsense while she started to stir in her sleep, 

"What?" Her eyes cracked opened and she looked at Bucky confused, "What time is it?" She let out a small yawn and used her hand to cover her mouth. 

Bucky looked over at the wooden bedside table and picked up her pocket watch that she had put a picture of her, Bucky and Steve when they were teenagers. "One in the afternoon," Bucky smirked at his ginger-haired girlfriend. 

She just groaned, placing her bookmark in her book and putting it on the bedside table "I'm tired." She moved so her head was rested on Bucky's left thigh,

"But it's one in the afternoon. You should be up." Bucky laughed "I always thought you were an early bird." Bucky gently combed his fingers through the messy ginger hair that was spread everywhere due to the long length and mass amount. 

"This book was too good to stop reading. I must have fallen asleep while reading." She mumbled, 

Bucky smirked down at her with a small chuckle, "You're not mad at me for waking you are you?"  

"That depends. Did you just come here to wake me?" She finally looked up at him with a playful glare on her face, 

"Oh, you poor thing. You can't even keep a mad face on. You're just too soft for that." Bucky teased, 

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