Chapter Fourteen

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The Phantom Fox had been in America for at least six months now, and not once was she put back in Cyrofreze. She'd been doing missions non-stop, some were on her own, but some were with The Winter Soldier.

it was clear she was Pierce's favourite, he sent on her more serious missions. She wasn't just used for assassinations, but also undercover missions seeming that she was loyal and could change her appearance at will.

she was given more special treatment, what Pierce used to like to call it. Really she was just given a slightly bigger cell but was still as foul and dark as her old one including, to her complete surprise, a pile of books following what happened after her accident a few months back.

she'd thought she'd had her powers under control, but one time when she was in the training room just practising with her telekinesis and suddenly out of nowhere an old memory hit her. The memory of when Sargent Barnes had fallen off the train.

she didn't know what happened, but whatever connection she had with the memory whoever was in the room was killed instantly by the black mist that came from her. After a few minutes of trying to calm the redhead down, Piece had ordered her to tell her why she did it.

she admitted that she remembered the memory, Pierce instantly wiped her from it. But again a few weeks later it happened. And again, and again, and again. Sometimes it would happen when she'd be in her cell, or maybe when she was being wiped, it would happen anywhere. Pierce did everything he could do to try and stop the random outburst of memories that was hitting her,

he still never found out why the memories were all of a sudden hitting her so hard, but whatever was happing was getting worse and worse. Not just because it was happing more often, but the pain increased the more it happened. But Pierce never cared about that part, only the first part.

he didn't care he was putting her through so much pain by wiping her, he just wanted her to be free from her memories. And after millions of ideas from giving her music to listen, to giving her a punching bag to get her anger out. He realised that the woman loved to read books, he wasn't surprised. Cassie Carter was known to be an extreme book nerd growing up in the 40s. it didn't matter if it was old novels from the '40s, or any kids books or modern-day books. She was calm, and that's all he wanted.

so, instantly he got some of the agents in the base to get her any sort of novels, she had The Hobbit, Harry Potter, The Lord Of The Rings and The Hunger Games in her cell. She'd spent all her time in her cell just reading these novel series, and after that moment she was back to her normal assassin self. Back to completing any mission given to her. She thankfully didn't need them during a mission.

she'd probably re-read the books millions of times, but she didn't care. She was gifted the books and for a short bit of time, she had a slight bit of pride swell in her chest. But was quickly replaced with reality. Pierce only gave her the book because she couldn't control her powers.

"Fury was finally killed." One of the Strike team spoke as they walked down the hall.

The Phantom Fox's trained ears and super-soldier hearing picked it up with ease even if they were completely out of human hearing distance. She sat on the floor beside the bars of her cell, that was the only area where she had enough light to be able to see the words on her book.

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