Chapter Six

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"The first thing you need to know about telepathy is how to block someone out of your head." The Phantom Fox stood with her hands behind her back, as she stood in front of the young brunette, "There's nothing worse about someone getting into your mind. They could do any from looking at your memories to controlling you." 

the two girls had been training every day for about a week now. Wanda was strong, very strong. At her fullest potential, she could nearly be as strong as The Phantom Fox. Chaos magic is just as strong as black magic, so the girl had to be careful with the power she had. 

"So how do I block people out?" Wanda asked as she sat on the ground 

"Imagine a door in your head. One that can open, close, lock and unlock." The redhead explained as she watched the younger girl in front of her close her eyes, 

"Now what." The young Sokovian quested with her eyes still closed. 

 "Imagine yourself locking the door. So no one can enter." The redhead spoke as she tried to get inside the brunettes head.

"I think I have-" Wanda grinned with her mouth opened, 

"Do you really have it?" The Phantom Fox questioned the girl telepathically, 

"Oh." Wanda sighed, lowering her head. 

"Try again. This time imagine you walking up and locking the door with your hand." The Phantom Fox replied, 

"Okay." Wanda nodded, closing her eyes again

after a few seconds of waiting, a smile grew on Wanda's face. "Try now." SHe exclaimed with a childish grin, 

wanting to prove the girl wrong, but also secretly hoping she got it. The Phantom Fox tried to enter the mind of the young girl. There was a barrier, yes, but it was weak. The redhead could still get past it. So since she was this far, the assassin looked through some of her memories. 

"Pietro, come on. We don't want to be late for school." Wanda called as the two ran down the street. 

"Wanda, I'm not as fast as you." Pietro huffed, trying to catch up with the girl. 

"Well hurry up," Wanda replied 


Wanda and Pietro sat on the ground in front of a tv. On the tv, a black and white sitcom was playing. Small giggles left Wanda's mouth as she watched them. 

she turned back to face her mother, who blew her a kiss. But when she turned back to the tv, everything went so fast. 

She and Pietro have flown away with a bomb hitting their apartment. A fearful Wanda looked around her blown up apartment before her brother dragged her under the bed to safety

"Get out of my head," Wanda yelled, looking at the girl furious. But also fearful at the fact she just yelled at the woman standing in front of her. 

Wanda and Pietro heard what The Phantom Fox was capable of. They also heard what she had done, and what she will do to anyone. 

The Phantom Fox wasn't afraid to kill a person if they got in the way of her mission. So the two twins feared the girl, and it was no secret that most of the agents, guards and scientists were as well. 

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