Chapter 38

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Being sick was perhaps the most obnoxious things in the world, and when you are a working mother, the plain and simple inconvenience it is makes one nearly go mad.

You had a nasty cough for a few days now, and it seemed to be getting worse. You probably needed to go to the doctor, and get some medication prescribed. You used to have bronchitis as a kid, and if this was the same thing, you didn't want to be sitting and wasting your days away in bed just hoping to get better.

Benny had some away games this week, which normally wasn't a problem... but when yours and his mother were both out of town on business and could not help attend to the little ones, it was a nightmare.

You thought of maybe calling up Cece, but she was in her third trimester, and could go into labor any day now. It probably wasn't best to bother her at such a time in her life.

You also considered calling Aally, but then remembered she was on another tour, doing some swimsuit modeling in Florida. Lucky duck.

You huffed in annoyance after another fit of coughing, reaching for the landline and dialing the only number you could think of.

The line rang a few times, and you were about to lose all hope of getting someone to babysit your kids this afternoon, until a familiar voice answered.

"Hello?" Ham seemed out of breath and in serious need of a break from whatever he was doing.

"Hey, man... sorry to call, but it's kind of an emergency. Are you busy today?" You squinted while asking, given his current state of situation, you figured the answer would be no.

"Oh yeah, I'm free all day. What's up?" He seemed to have caught his breath in an instant, and though you were confused, you had a mission to uphold.

"I need someone to watch the kids while I get checked out by a doctor... I think I got bronchitis." You said matter of factly with a roll of your eyes. Even on the phone he could tell you were annoyed.

"Oh sure, I'll be over in about twenty minutes." He said calmly, right after there was a bug clanging sound coming through the phone.

"You good, man? Sounds like you're in a struggle."

"I was weight training when you called. Gotta get those mega wrestling muscles, ya know?" He joked, making you laugh, but it truggered another coughing fit. You held the phone out with one hand while you emptied air into your other elbow.

"I swear, being sick while you're supposed to be playing whiffle ball doesn't go over well with a bunch of toddlers." You said, heaving a sigh.

"Sounds like I'm desperately needed, as always."

"Just hurry up, please." You said before hanging the phone back on the wall. You had tried your best to somewhat quarantine your kids to a separate room so they wouldn't get sick... but they didn't need to know that. As far as they knew, you just really wanted them to watch sesame street. The ladybug picnic was on when you walked in, and Eva was up and dancing around like a tiny maniac.

"One two three, four five six, seven eight nine, ten eleven twelve, and they all played games, at the ladybug picnic!" She squealed, turning around and running to the doorway having seen you stepped in. "Mommy look!"

"I see, bunny...." you paused, kneeling down to her level, careful to keep distance from spreading your germs. "Uncle Ham is coming to watch you guys today."

"Is he bringing his hamsters?!" She was always very excited whenever Ham came to visit. He did in fact have a pair of hamsters that he brought one time, just so the kids could play with them. Even though the kids didn't have a blood related uncle, Ham was the next best thing.

Slugger (Sequel to 'The Jet') Benny RodriguezWhere stories live. Discover now