Chapter One: Good Morning

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As you wake up, you felt a sharp pain in your neck, and seen your beautiful wife, Alcina! Drinking you as usual! She sets up and sees you that you were awake as she smiles and she wipes the blood from her mouth!

"Good morning beautiful!" Alcina said, as you caress her chin.

"Good morning love!" You said as you kissed her!

She wraps her arms around you as you held her close, you felt her heart racing as she was being very touchy with you. You even did the same thing. Then she pulls away and looks at you as you still felt lost and frozen by her beauty!

"Can we talk about last night dear? About... expanding our family?" She looks at you.

"I already told you, it's a brilliant idea! Do you want to do it the traditional, find a high royal suitable male or my black-magic way?" You questioned her!

"No, there aren't any high royal suitable male around here...besides, I'm afraid of my blood disease...I might not have any kids!" She looks away as you saw her eyes turning red from her tears!

"Don't cry love! I want you to have a full experience of being pregnant, I saw in Miranda's head during the meeting, that she gifted you the three daughters!" You said, "And this blood disease won't stop us from trying! I am going to get your pregnant one way or another!" You added!

"Yes she did give me the girls but...I want to know what it is like to have a child grow inside of me! Since no man during my human years weren't giving me a child or the fact I killed them...hehe!" Alcina said, "I love you so much, for caring for me, my daughters and my terrible blood disease!" She added

"Okay then, we'll do my magic, and I'll see if I can find something to help with your blood disease! I swear, I'm not going to give up on this!" You confidently said as she smiles and kisses you!

You both got into the bath, proceeded to wash each other, and you both had a cuddle session.
Later you both got out, got dress and went to breakfast!

"Shall we tell the girls about...expanding the family!?" You asked her as she stops in mid walking.

"I think we can tell them, they might freak out or get piss that we both give all of our attention to our future child!" Alcina said while gripping your hand.

"So telling them now or later!" You asked her as you made it too the doors of the dinning room!

"Maybe...after breakfast!" She said, you agreed as usual.

As you saw the daughters sitting and waiting, they were talking like usual, new ideas on torturing the maids or going hunting!

"Good morning parents!" Bela said, "Did you guys sleep well?" She added.

"Good morning girls! And yes we did sleep well!" Alcina said as you pushed the sit in for her.

"Thank you beautiful!" She looks at you as you kissed her head!

"Already who's ready to eat!" You said as everyone agreed. Alcina rings the small bell as the maidens came out.

You seen Marie, as she comes in and hands you the breakfast, you quickly gave her a hug as you saw Alcina face was unpleasant at you, since you are friends with the maiden still.

At the ending of breakfast, you glanced at Alcina, which she gave to you a signal on the topic of the pregnancy!

"Girls, your mother and I want to ask you guys something!" You took a deep breath as you held Alcinas hand.

"What is it Y/n?" Cassandra said as she drinks some blood water!

"Are you guys wanting to have a baby?" Daniela said.

You and Alcinas eyes widen, you swore both of you were talking quietly, as you looked at each other with semi fear and shock!

"What made you say that?" You asked!

"I saw it in a dream or like that! And besides the girls and I were talking about that before you too came in!" Daniela said!

"It's true, I think it would be nice if we had a little rat to play with!" Cassandra said as she smiles, Bela kind chokes as Cassandra refers a little child as a little rat!

"I would love to teach them how to fight like us!" Bela added, "Besides I'm getting tired of talking to these two and the maids everyday, I need to talk to someone else!" She giggles as Daniela and Cassandra gave her a death glare. You chuckled as you head that sentence!

"Oh wow, well that took the weight off of our chest!" You said as Alcina exhale deeply.

"You girls are okay with it having another sibling?" Alcina raised an eyebrow.

All three of them nodded for yes! You and Alcina were happy that the girls came weren't upset at all, they're happy actually!

"I hope it's a girl, boys are weird!" Cassandra and even Bela agreed!

"Who cares on what the baby is, as long as it's healthy and alive, that's what truly matters too Mother and Y/n!" Daniela said.

"That's right, it could be a boy or a girl or even two boys or two girls, or even both girl and a boy together...who knows! We will have to see!" Alcina said as she had a biggest smile on her face!

As you all celebrate, you decided to leave the castle grounds as you went back to your old house. Which you haven't been there in years! Daniela, of course followed you, as you sensed her!

"So do you want explain why you left and followed me?" You stop the horse as she came out behind the tree.

"I wanted to see your old home, and read all of your books!" She smiles as you pulled her up onto the horse and rode for twenty minutes.
Which surprises you because you still remember how to get there!

"There it childhood home..." You said as you exhale deeply and fast.

"It's small then I imagined! But it's cute!" Daniela said as you both got closer.
You had a vision of your family, and what happened made you cry...

"Oh Y/n did you had a memory or a vision come up?" Daniela ask.

"Yes I did, I'll explain it later!" You said as you both went inside of your abandon home.

As you walked in you heard and seen the memory's of your mother, father and your little brother...

You went to your old bedroom to find old books that your mother gave you to read and practice your powers!
As you sat on your old bed, you began to cry hard and quietly...then you heard a women's voice, your first instincts was Daniela, but then you looked up, you froze and saw who it was...


I hope you guys like this new book! And I cannot wait for you guys to see what happens in the next chapter!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now