Chapter Ten: Life Changing

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You and your family were out in a field of flowers. Where you and Alcina first took Catalina and Cezar, when they were four years old! And now you remember, they're going to be 14 by tomorrow.

"KIDS! It's lunch time!" You shouted.

The three daughters appear from their bug swarm, and you saw two little head popping out of the flower field, as they all ran to the picnic area.

"I'm starving after playing hide and go seek!" Daniela said as she lays down. Bela and Cassandra agreed.

You looked over as you see Catalina and Cezar hugging Alcina, as she gives them kisses and then the other three kisses too.

"Hello love." Alcina sits next to you as she gets her lunch.

"Hello beautiful." You kissed her cheek.

As you handed out the lunches to the them, you seen how much the kids have grown up over the years...


"Oh my goodness...the babies are hurting me!" Alcina whimpers as she walks with Donna and her daughters.

"Mother, you need to sit!" Daniela walks with her to a chair.

Then all of a sudden, they all heard a puddle of water splashing underneath Alcina. She puts her hand underneath her dress and feels that her water just broke.

"Girls...get your mother some towels, we'll met you in the bedroom and go find Y/n!" Donna tells them as the girls vanished.

"FFFUCCKK!" Alcina screams as she feels the labor pain.

"Come on dear let's go, we are almost there!" Donna walks with her, "MAIDENS! COME QUICK!!!" She added

~shortly time skips~

"Y/N!!" The girls shouted for you.

You run out of your study room as the girls ran up to you! You saw in their heads on what they were going to say...

As you and the girls ran, you can hear Alcina screaming in pain.
You broke down the door without grabbing the knob, you saw Donna and the maidens helping Alcina.

"YY/NN!" Alcina cries, as you ran to her side and held her hand.

"I'm here and you are doing great!" You kissed her head and held her hands, as Donna tells her to push.

"PUSH ALCINA!" Donna yells.

Alcina takes a deep breath in as she screams on top of her lungs, the maidens were cooling her off with wet cold towels on her forehead and her body! She was in so much pain that she broke your hand.

"I CANNOT DO THIS Y/N!" She cries again!

"YES YOU CAN! NOW PUSH!!" You glared into her eyes as she nods and she pushes again and again!

Few moments pass, Donna brings out the first baby, which was the girl, and then you guys repeated the same thing for the boy!

"AAAHHHAAA!" Alcina screams echoed the castle!

Then you helped her up as she clenches your broken hand once again as she last time!

Alcina collapses onto your chest, panting from this horrible experience, and the maidens clean the babies and brought them to you and Alcina.

"They are beautiful!" Alcina kisses them as holds them on her chest.

"Indeed my love!" You cried as you took off your shirt and had skin to skin contact with them after Alcina was done.

"They look beautiful, Alcina and Y/n!" Donna cries as she meets her niece and nephew!

Two hours went by, the girls came through the broken door and seen their mother holding the boy, Cezar, and you were holding the girl, Catalina!
You both took turns while holding the opposite babies.

"Come meet your new baby siblings girls!" You whispered very quietly as they were sleeping in your guys arms.

"Oh my goodness!" Cassandra whispers as she holds out her arms as she wants to hold the baby, you gently gave her Catalina!

Bela and Daniela went to go see the baby boy, as they were fond over him, for being the first male in a all female Dimitrescu family!

"He's beautiful mother!" Daniela wipes her tears and so does Bela. Alcina smiles at all of them and you.

Then Cassandra brings over Catalina, as you walked with her to Alcina. You looked at all of them, do you froze there as you finally found a've always wanted to build!

~Present day~

"Y/N?" Alcina snaps you out of your memory vision that you had.

"Sorry love, I had a memory vision!" You wiped your tears away very quickly.

Alcina read your mind as she kisses you on you lips. She cupped your cheek as you both smiled at each other.

"Can you guys play hide and seek with us?" Catalina asked as Cezar came up behind her.

"Well of course Draga Meas, we'll be happy to play with you!" Alcina smiles as she gets up with you and you all played hide and go seek in the flower field.

'This was my vision...the flower field...their hands!' You thought to yourself as you all play hide and go seek.

And course you and Alcina were the seekers as the children were hiders.

"This should be a piece a cake!" Alcina chuckles as you nodded.

You first found Cassandra hiding in a tree as you heard a twig break, Alcina found Bela and Daniela in a bush as she heard small giggles.

"Where are the twins? I'm not able to locate their heartbeats!" Alcina said as she walks around to the field, you and the girls can spread out to as it was kind of getting late.

"KIDS?!" You shouted, but no answer.

You were getting worried because it was getting dark fast. As the temperature was dropping.

"Take the girls back now!! I'll find the twins!!" You tell her as she gathers the girls onto the horses as they road back to the castle.

You walked around the field as it leads to the woods, there you saw foot prints of your children.

I call upon the elements




And Water

I call upon the spirits

The objects I seek

Let me see them

Wherever ye hide

I shall see within the grounds of their heart beats

As my words so mote it be!

You place your hands where the foot prints were at. You seen your kids, they weren't that far.

"Found you!" You quickly ran into the woods as you still seen and felt their heart beats through your eyes.

You find them standing as they were confused...then all of a sudden, Catalina fell to the ground crying as her skin was cracking.

"KIDS!" You ran towards them, you picked Catalina and Cezar up!

As my heart is touch

To where I must be

Through air over land or sea

Over land, sea or through the air

Our destination, take us to there....

Everything turned black as you all covers your eyes......
I hope you guys like this! See you in the next one!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now