Chapter Twelve: Hello Lords

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After six months of training your children, the lords of the village came to visit as they've been told that Mother Miranda might be coming back.

"Lords Heisenberg, Moreau and Ladies Benevenito's are here!" A maiden said, as you and Alcina got up and heading towards the main doors.

Alcina was kind of nervous, she hasn't seen her siblings in almost about a year or two. You saw her facial expression as you held her hand and walked with her. As you both finally made it too the doors, of course Heisenberg has a say something stupid.

"Hello Bigfoot's!" Heisenberg chuckled.

"Hello midget child!" You snapped back, your wife and the other lords began to laugh.

He sighed with annoyance as he shook his head. Angie flew up to you as gave her a hug.

Angie looks at you as she just blurts out the first thing that's on her mind,"WHERES THE FOOD?"

"Angie?!" Donna kind of shouted at her as Angie flew down.

Alcina gives her a hug as she was happy to see Donna and was happy that she wasn't wearing her veil.

"Hi Y/n and Alcina!" Moreau waddles to you both, as you gave him a hug and so does Alcina.

Alcina leads the lords to her dinning room as the maidens brought out food and wine.

You explain to them what your children saw, everyone was shocked. You also explain the visions you've been having of a ritual that someone will do to bring back mother Miranda.

"Well if that bitch does come back again, we'll kill her like before! Sides the kids have powers can use them like weapons!" He drinks some of the wine.

"HEISENBERG!! Our children are not weapons...yes they were created by witchcraft but still they are not weapons" Alcina snaps back

As them two go into an argument. You and the lords just looked at them with plan expressions on your guys faces as they're wasting time.

"FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT...MY MOMEY GOES ON BIG ALCI!" Angie said as she brought out a quarter.

You snorted that she actually did that. But then you stop the argument as a leader of the Lords.

"Enough!" You shouted as the voice echoes throughout the castle.

Both of them stopped instantly as they sat back, You just glared at your wife as she rolled her eyes. You even did it to Heisenberg as he does the same thing.

"DAMMIT Y/N! WWWHHHYY?" Angie whined.

You try so dam hard to hide your smile. But you played the cough card.

"ANYWAYS...I have some people down in the village, they'll notifying me if they see anyone performing a ritual to bring back someone a.k.a. mother Miranda!" You told them.

Heisenberg sets up his arms on the table and looks at you.

"I'll have my Lycans go throughout the woods and they see someone doing it too, I told them to kill them instantly!" Heisenberg said.

"Where are the twins and the three daughters?" Donna asked, you looked at Alcina. She nods her head as you proceed to tell them.

"Catalina and Cezar are with the girls right now, we send them off to a cabin!" You said, "The children are relaxing after training so much, we wanted them to feel like a kids again!" You added.

Donna nods as the takes a sip of her wine. Moreau just looks frightened again that Mother Miranda is coming back.

"She'll kill us...I have a feeling!" Moreau said while twiddling his fingers.

you got up and walked towards him putting your hand on his shoulder.

"I swear ON EVERYTHING! I won't let you guys die, most likely Mother Miranda will be coming up for me or the twins!" You said, "But if she lays a hand on any of you...I will take my own life if that's what she wants!" You told him.

"We don't want you to die! Especially Alcina...her heart will be broken forever!" Moreau told you.

You looked over at your wife, and her eyes begin to water...she lost almost lost you once and she doesn't want to lose you again!

Donna gripped Alcina hand as she try to stay strong. But she was afraid, you felt it in her heart and you walked over to her.
As you looked into her eyes and gave her a passionate kiss, you heard Angie and Heisenberg gagging and making throw up sounds. You chuckled while kissing her and you gently wipe away your tears.

"You're not gonna lose me that easily love! But if it comes to that...just know that I died with love and honor of being your partner and being a parent to our children!" You said, "I love you Alcina!"

"I love you too Y/n!" Alcina cups your face as she smiles.

After a few hours of talking to Lords about the plans and your visions, they all agreed. They soon left, as you and your wife were talking about the children.

"Do you think they are ready? If they need to fight off Miranda if we can't?!" Alcina said as she brushes her hair.

You walked over to her as she was sitting at her vanity desk, looking at you through the mirror.

" they are strong my love, Cezar is advancing more with his abilities, he actually took me down the other day which I forgot to tell you!" You took her hairbrush instead of brushing her, "And as I've been told from three little birds, that Catalina took you down to in a little fight!" You smirked at her.

"I swear the girls like to tell you everything! And yes, Catalina and I did fight...I wanted to see how strong she was with me and she is...which is very surprising!" She said.

As you got rid of all the tangles in her hair. You decided to massage her shoulders as she was feeling relax, you hate seeing your wife so tense... especially if anything has to do with Miranda.

"The children will be back tomorrow morning, and so I will be cooking breakfast for them!" You kissed her shoulders and she nods.

You both decided to go into the bathtub relaxing your body's in lavender oil.
It was quiet throughout the bath session, later put on your guys nightgowns and went to bed.

~The Cabin~

"COME ON ONE MORE TIME!" Bela said as she talks to Cezar.

He sighed as he was already tired of showing trick, that he just developed while staying at the cabin.

"Fine, last one! I'm already getting sleepy because of it!" Cezar said.

He does a incantation that he was reading from his grandmothers book of Dark Manipulative Shadows.

He can transform himself into the person he thinks. He transforms into Bela as his voice changed to hers exactly.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!" Bela said she looks at her brother, who was her.

Daniela comes in as she sees two Bela's sitting on the floor.

" which one is the REAL Bela!" Daniela asked as she points!

"I Am!" They both giggled, Daniela was getting irritated.

" let's get to bed, we have a long trip tomorrow!" Daniela said.

She pulls who she thinks is the real Bela, but Daniela actually pulls Cezar.
As they all stop playing, everyone went to bed and slept way into slumberland...

Hope you guys like this!

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