Chapter Ten: Hello...OLD FRIEND

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You and your kids opened your eyes as you wife and the others were standing at the main doors.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Alcina said as she sees Catalina in pain.

"I found them standing in the woods...Catalina...she was crying and her skin was cracking from the cold!" You told her as you all rushed to the kids bedroom.

"I'm...hungry!" Catalina said as she disappears into bugs.

Everyone froze as they see her reappear, standing in-front of a maiden and biting into her neck.

"SISTER!" Cezar takes Catalina off of the maiden as her mouth was covered in blood!

"Oh my goodness, Cat..."Daniela sees her eyes change like theirs.

Catalina pushes Cezar back with the same abilities as the three girls. You and Alcina froze...

"What's happening to I dying!" Catalina realizes...she had no control of it.

You went over to Cezar as he was semi bleeding from the back of he's head. You healed him quickly as he gets up and sees everything.

"'s okay, we are here for you!" Alcina hugs her as she beings to cry...

~Time Skips~
You and your wife were in the bedroom talking, Alcina was worried that Catalina.

"My love, she's not sick, she is like her sisters. I went to the study room to look at more facts of the pregnancy incantation spell." You said, " I saw the side effects of the pregnancy spell...where the child will be like their mother, but it made me confuse...I call upon my mother spirits and she couldn't figure it out!" You added

"I'm just worried...Catalina will never go outside again when the snow comes, and you know she loves the snow my dear!" Alcina begins to cry.

"I know my love, I'm worried about her too but our goal is to love her no matter what!" You gently kissed her cheek as she holds you.

But then you remembered that the kids were going to be 14, that's when you had your abilities fully came out...a day before your birthday.

"Love do you remember when I was 13 and I was about to be 14 the next day?" You asked her and she looks at you.

"Yes I were in so much pain as you cried..." Alcina shakes her head as a memory came up.

"I think that's what's going on! They're getting their powers, Catalina got hers before Cezar! Just like the birthing!" You said, "Maybe he'll be like you or me but we just have to wait!" You added.

"You could be right my love..." Alcina holds you hand, "But my question over all throughout this day is why were they in the woods?" She glares as you shrugged your shoulders not knowing why.

You and Alcina decided to go check on the twins. As you both were walking through the halls you saw the girls going to the same direction.

"Are you guys going to see the twins!?" Cassandra asked

"We are, you guys going too?" You question them as all three of them not at once.

As five you headed towards the twins bedroom,you felt something was off then you heard a big thud hitting the floor.

You quickly open the door and seen Cezar, he was lying on the floor twitching and shaking as his eyes were rolling back.

"SON!!" Alcina runs and holds him.

And then you fell to your knees as you saw a flashback of what YOU went through...when your powers came.
The girls quickly called Catalina, as she appeared from her bug form.

"BROTHER!" Catalina sees him, "Mother what is going on with us!" She cries.

"Your guys abilities are coming in!" Alcina holds Cezar tightly.

You managed to crawl to him as you put your hand over his heart and his head. As you were slowly calming him down, his eyes went to your colors white for vision and black for danger.

"I' so much...pain..."Cezar whispers as he falls asleep in Alcinas arms.
Catalina even felt pain, as she fell onto the floor.
You quickly picked up Catalina and laid her in her bed and so does Alcina with Cezar.

"Their abilities are coming in?" Daniela was shocked.

" you guys remember when I was 13 going on 14?" You question them.

They all nodded as they were confused.

"In my family, when a young witch or warlock...are the age of 13 and going on 14, they will get their hurts when it comes..." You told them, "Now Cezar is having my abilities and Catalina has your guys abilities..." You added.

The girls were all shocked after hearing more stuff about your family.
As you put the blanket over Catalina, she wakes up as she's screaming like Cezar.

"TELL ME YOU SAW THAT CEZAR!?" Catalina looks over at him.

As his face went pale, like he seen a ghost!

"YES—WHO WAS THAT!" Cezar cries.

All of you jumped after seeing the twins waking up very quick.

"What happened?! Who did you see?!" You asked.

"We were at the exact same woods where you found us...we were standing there...this woman came...she had a bird mask on—" Catalina's voice begin to crack.

"She was wearing all black...she had this golden halo—she had black crow wings behind her..." Cezar add to Catalinas sentence.

Alcina, the girls and you all looked at each other as you got a good description on who this woman was...

"Draga Meas...did this woman tell you her name!" Alcina voice cracked...

The twins looked at each other as they didn't want to mention the woman's name.
You looked over at the girls as they begin to cry, they all went to the twins.

"All she said was...You will pay for what you did!" Catalina said as she buries her head into Bela's neck.

"Children..." You kneeled down, "What I'm about to say might make you guys freak out more..." You were hesitant.

Silent pause came as a kids were scared.

"Was her name...Mother Miranda?" You looked at them as their pupils dilated with fear.

They quickly nodded their heads...Alcina seen your eyes as it was filled with rage and anger.

"You guys will be sleeping in our room tonight!" You picked up Catalina as Alcina picked up Cezar too.

The girls went with you both to the bedroom, you do not want to relive this memory again...especially with the kids.

While walking through the halls, you had this plain angry expression, knowing somehow Mother Miranda was going to come never thought she was going to come back...and now she is...for your children.....

I'm sorry, I took so long! I was having a writers block moment... hope you guys like it!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now