Chapter Fourteen: Surprise Visit

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You wake up in your bedroom, there your kids and your wife were sleeping.

"...Kids?...Alcina?" You slowly got up as your head is throbbing.

"Y/n!" Alcina wakes up as she was sitting in the bed holding your hand.

The children woke up by the sound of your voice, as they quickly rushed over too you and Alcina.

"We saw you had a vision, what did you see?" Daniela said as she holds your hand.

You took a deep breath as you hugged your kids and your beloved wife. You were hesitant to say but you knew she was back...

"My vision was...Mother Miranda...she has come back...I saw her smile!" You said towards them.

The room was silent... all you heard was the fire place cracking. You turn towards your kids and then your wife as you were shocked that mother Miranda has finally returned to this world...

"So what you said yesterday is true then!" Alcina voice cracked, the children notice as they got onto the bed and hugged you and Alcina.

As you all hugged each other for so long and not came from the door.

Alcina clears her throat and she set up straight.

"Come in!" Alcina firmly said.

One of the maidens came in as she bows.

"My Lady, the Lords will be here in an hour!" Maiden said.

Alcina gives the maiden a hand signal,  telling her to leave. She bows and closes door.

"I'm going to take a bath real quick!" You said, as Alcina helps you out of the bed.

Next she had told the kids to clean themselves and get prepared for when the lords get here. They all nodded and left.

~Time Skips~

Your son comes up to you, he tells you that he's been developing new abilities. He shows them as you thought of a brilliant idea...

"Y/n?! Cezar?! They're here!" Alcina shouted from the main doors.

You walked with your son to the main doors, as you greeted your fellow members.

"Hello everyone now let's get this meeting started now! And'll be joining with us!" You said as they all agreed and went to the dining room.

As everyone sat down, the maidens came out with food and wine. You cleared your throat as you looked at all of them.

"I had a vision of Miranda...she's returned!" You said, "My son had a vision of two men heading towards the carriage, as they were knocked over a hill!" You added.

"I sent out some of my Lycans to do the perimeter check, and they saw a symbol on the ground of that hag! There were black substances and human blood!" Karl Heisenberg said.

"How the Lycans track down the blood to see who it was?" Donna asked Karl, as he shook his head for no.

"Who knows what type of power she's already have!" Moreau said

As the Lords were talking, the children looked at each other amd knew that somehow this is going to end badly.

Cezar and Catalina both heard a husky female voice calling them in their heads.

Tick-tock little children...I'll be coming for you!

Angie notices the twins shaking their heads, Catalina was hitting herself and Cezar was twitching.

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now