Chapter Sixteen: This Means War

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As you and the lords froze there that Miranda actually took your kids. You slammed your hand onto the ground as you cracked the floor

"Love?..." Alcina walks over to you as she felt your anger.

"I swear with all of my abilities...I WILL KILL HER!!" You angrily said, "THIS MEANS WAR!"

The lords notices that your eyes went fully black as well as your hands turning too. As dark smoke came from underneath your feet.

"Y/N!" Alcina cups your face, as soon as she touches you...your eyes and your hands went back too being normal colors.

"I'm sorry...Alcina..." You cried into her. Everyone went came up as they hugged, telling you that they will find the twins and kill Miranda again.

~Miranda's Secret Place~

"Hello twins!" Miranda cups the twins cheeks as they were waking up.

The twins seen the bird Lady, Catalina spit on her and Cezar tries to break the chains but it was useless. Miranda starts laughing as she wipes her face from the spit.

"Oh Catalina..." Miranda slapped her across her face as she yelps.

"I FUCKING KILL YOU!" Cezar shouted as he still tries to break from the chains.

Peter, one of the male intruders, started laughing, as his friend William, he just made a small chuckle as he felt uncomfortable.

"Now, Peter, my loyal servant, take her to the cellar! I'll test on her later!!" Miranda said as Peter drags Catalina by her hair.

"YOU FUCKER! LET HER GO!!" Cezar fell on his side as he seen his sister being dragged away.

Miranda pulls him up and grabs on his jawline as she made a small cut on his cheek! Cezar yelps as he wanted to say a incantation, but he couldn't.

"Now a good boy for me and listen!" Miranda laughs.

She signals William, as he pulls a chair for Cezar to sit in.

"My family will come and kill you! I know they did it before and they can do it again!" Cezar angrily said.

Miranda just chuckles as she sees, he has the anger of Alcina. But she sees the powers of Y/n.

"Child...I'm here to make you a offer! Joined me and I'll give you more powers, stronger then your parents, Y/ I wanted to kill them for years ago!" Miranda said, "I'll be a BETTER mother to you and your sister?" She added

Cezar starts laughing at her offer, Miranda didn't like that response as she slaps him, he bite the inside of his mouth by accident as it bled. 

" entire family will be soon! And they'll kill you and your fucking servants!" Cezar proudly smiled as he spits some blood onto the floor in front of her.

Miranda hated that her false children killed her...but she was surprised that Alcina had gotten pregnant with her blood disease. She wanted to know how!

Cezar hears his sister calling for him as he hears screams coming from not that far. Then it goes quite...

"My priestess, that girl child is sleep now. What should we do with him?!" Peter said as he stood next too her.

"Put him too sleep...he needs rest after a long day and a exciting day for tom—!" Miranda gets cut off

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Cezar shouted.

"Quite now child, adults are talking!" Miranda snaps back at him.

Peter tries to be punch him but Miranda stops.

He was confused on why she did it with the girl but not him! Miranda tells him to put him to sleep with his voice incantation.
He quickly looks into her eyes, he felt loss...even Miranda felt lost in his eyes too.

"I'll do whatever you say, my priestess..." he nods as he looks at Cezar.

He said the same incantation that he cast onto the the twins family. But it didn't put Catalina sleep but not him.

He tried to other incantation's but any of them didn't work, Peter and Miranda both think that he's immune to indentations from others.

"That's impossible my powers are greater than yours!" Peter angrily said as he punch the wall!

"My Peter, my loyal servant, don't worry luckily if that didn't work...I already made a serum that he might make him fall asleep." Miranda brings out a large needle from her cloak, as she injects him in his neck.

Cezar screams as he feels the serum in his neck. He tries to stay awake but he couldn't...his eyes were getting darker and heavier. The last thing he witnessed was Miranda and William laughing, then he saw the other servant looking at him...he was very concern.

~Castle Dimitrescu~

As Alcina sits in her chair, she touches her roses as she felt two of them. She begins to cry as you saw her, you knew something was off you felt in your heart.

"Alcina, my love!! I swear on everything I hold, we'll get them back! Officially killed Miranda myself!" You gripped her hand as you kneel down in front of her.

Alcina looks at you as she lays her head on your shoulder and wrapped her arms around you. The face that your wife, had her two children kidnapped in front of you and your broke your gently picking her up in a bridal style.

"I love you!" You whisper to her as she looks at your eyes.

"I love you too Y/n!" Alcina buries her face into your neck.

Then three of your daughters came in as they heard their mother crying.

"We heard Mother crying...we can't sleep! Is it okay if we can stay in here with you guys?" Cassandra asked, Bella wrapped her arms around Daniela as she was crying into Bela.

You nodded your head, as you laid Alcina down next to you and held her tightly. The girls came up and laid on tne opposite side of the bed. Alcina lays her arm across her three daughters holding them tightly.

As you all laid there, it was quiet...usually by this time the twins would always surprise them with pranks.

"By this time of the night!! Cezar and Catalina would always prank us, whenever we're having a stressful day or just need a laugh!" Bela said as she looks at you and Alcina.

"We know Draga Mea...we know!" Alcina voice cracked as she was losing her voice.

"I love you guys!" You said to them.

"We love you too!" All the poor women soon as their eyes decided to close.

You knew that tomorrow morning, you had a plan to find your children. You didn't care if you use your all of your abilities, even if it kills you...your true and main to find your children. And bring them home where they belong.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, I've been going through a lot right now with my mental state!! But I'm slowly trying to get back into this!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now