Chapter Eleven: Training Session

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Few weeks went by, You took Cezar to a place where your mother had shown you before her passing.
Where young witches and warlocks would go and meditate to control their abilities! While Alcina had Catalina, as she was trying with her sisters to control her thirst and abilities.

"Am I a mistake?" Cezar asked you as you stopped while heading to the place of meditation.

"Why on heaven and hell would you say that Cezar! You're not a mistake!" You kneeled down in-front of him.

"The reasoning being is mom loves Catalina more...she can disappear in forms of bugs, she's stronger than me and the girls love her more than me!" Cezar begins to cry, "I'm the only boy in this family...I'm a outsider!" He added.

Your heart sank as your son was telling you how he felt. You hugged him so tightly as you begin to cry.

"Son...your mother loves you and Catalina equally! She doesn't love Catalina more because she's like them." You said, "And you other sisters, they love you. Bela and Daniela said that you are the most handsomest baby boy they have ever seen!! They were excited when they found out that they were going to have twin siblings, a girl and a boy!" You added, "Son you have my're stronger than you think! You can summon the dead spirits, draw the powers from the moons, you can hurt people if they threaten and you can do a lot of amazing things with your voice!" You explained.

"I love you..." Cezar wipes away his tears.

"I love you son, no matter what! I don't want to hear those words coming out of your mouth...Ever again!" You smiled at him as he holds your hand walking to the meditation place.

You both finally made it there as you begin his training of controlling, anger, thoughts and everything he had.

"We're gonna keep doing this for awhile because one and you sister might have to use your abilities on Mother Miranda...if she finds away to come back!" You said too him.

"I won't let you down!" He said with confidence!

You smiled as you told him that it's going to take some time to practice, you also told that it won't come for the first time.

After you both cleared your mind and open your senses, you told your son to try to bring back this dead plant that you already killed.

"Now son...I want you to use your words, it can be rhyme or not...but I want you to focus on bringing this plant back to life!" You told him.

He breaths in and out, as he clears his mind, open his senses and his try's to use his abilities.
Then he closes his eyes as he grabs the plant, as he lays his other hand onto the ground and focusing on the dead plant.

I reach deep down within myself

Light spirit of earth

Heal this dead plant

Of the soil of your body

I call upon the force connecting me through the ground

Heal this dead plant

Spirit of earth, I call thee here

Show me my true abilities through this dead plant

As you heard him say his first incantation spell, you saw his hand that was on ground, it was making a black circle mark and then you turn your head to the dead plant as it was coming alive once again.

" your eyes!" You chuckled as he impressed you for getting it on the first try.

Cezar sees that the dead plant was alive and well. Then he glares to his other hand as a black circle was formed on the ground.

"Holy shit..." Cezar quickly covers his mouth as he cursed.

"Ahah, son it's're quite powerful than you think and don't ever forget it! You even got it on the first try! That's very impressive!!!" You gave him a hug as you.

~Time Skips~

You and Cezar headed back home as you  both seen Catalina with the girls heading inside of the castle. The sunset was going down like the temperature too.

"CAT!" Cezar runs to her, as she drops a sickle dagger and she runs towards him.

"CEZAR!!" Catalina jumps onto him as they hugged each other.

Alcina hugs and kisses You, as the kids went inside! She looks at you as she smiles while holding your hand.

"I'm going to guess the training session was pretty good?" Alcina asked as you both walked slowly towards the door.

"Indeed it was, he's quite stronger than me actually!" You told her, "He got everything on the first try and it took years for me to practice my abilities! For him in one day! What about Catalina?" You added.

"She's quite strong as well, she took down her sisters, as all three of them use all of their abilities and she was still ready to fight them but they were out of breath!" Alcina chuckles.

You were shocked to hear Catalina being stronger than your other three daughters!
You also mentioned to Alcina on what Cezar told you of him being an outside and not being loved.
She stop in mid walk as you seen her facial went from happy to sad within 2.5 seconds.

"He thinks I don't love him?" Her voiced cracked as she touches her roses.

You remember two days after the kids were born, she added two more roses onto her chest. Of the love that she has for them.

"I told him that you love him! He smiles after we had a prep talk about things. But he's feeling much better!" You held her tightly into your arms.

You graceful picked her up in a bridal style. As she whelps in a cute way, she blushes whenever you do it too her.

"I love our family, same training tomorrow?" Alcina said as she buries her face into your neck as she smells your blood bumping.

"I love our family as well and yes same training tomorrow!" You laugh as she caresses your hair and grips it.

"I'm a mood to feel relax love...what about you?" She nibbles on your neck.

"Indeed but let's take a shower first..."You get cut off by her.

"Or we can do it in the shower?" Alcina winks and giggles like a school girl.

You stopped as you heard her, you smiled and decided to carry her on you shoulder as she whelps again.

"So I am going to take that as a yes, Draga Mea?" She purrs at you

"Yes in did My Love!" You slapped her bottom as she whelps again.

She slaps the back of your head as you giggled. You felt happy when you did that.

Then you felt a darkness covering the had this feeling before! But you ignored it as you focus on pleasuring your wife...

I hope you guys like this! Going to skip couple months, and bring some old characters come into the play!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now