Chapter Three: Incantation PT: 1

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As you and the girls headed to the village, you told them to be on their best behavior and not attack any of them. They laughed but they also knew that you were serious.

"So why are we going to town?!" Cassandra said while jumping onto the horse

"Well your mother and I are going to perform the incantation in a few days! I need to get some supplies in the market" You said "And beside she told me to take you girls with me so you can get out before the nightfall comes!" You added as you jumped onto your horse.

"Oh...yeah I forgot you guys are trying for a baby!" Bela said as she laughs

"I can't wait to have a little rat sibling to fight!" Daniela said as she goes ahead of them!

You laugh as she was referring the future child as a little rat!
As you all rode down to the village, everyone seen you guys as they rarely see the family come down!

"Hello your Majesty's!" One of the villagers bowed like everyone did!

"Relax everyone, my daughters and I are getting some supplies, return back on what you were doing!" You said as your daughters got off the horses.

A couple of hours went by, you found the ingredients for the incantation! As you called the girls, small little children came running up to you as they wanted to greet you!

"Hello Y/n Dimitrescu, it's so nice seeing you!" One of the girls gave you a flower. Your heart started to warm up as they gave you wonderful small gifts.

You actually picked one of the children and held them close as you imagine yours and Alcinas future child or children!

"Oh Peggy, I'm sorry Y/n Dimitrescu. She runs off a lot!" The mother said.

"It's okay madame, it's cute. Someday my wife and I will have one of our own! I am just holding what it feels like to carry a young child" You said as you handed Peggy back to her mother, who smiled as they both walked away!

"Hey Y/n, sorry we took so long Bela and Daniela got distracted with somethings that they bought!" Cassandra said as she gets on top of her horse

"We bought some new things for our bedrooms!" Daniela said as she straddles the items onto the back of the horse. Bela does the same-thing!

"It's little children, my daughters and I must get back before it gets dark out!" You said as you got on your horse

The children said their goodbyes, you guys headed back to the castle before the temperature dropped.

Two hours went by,  Alcina found you in your old bedroom which is where you turned it into your witch study room!

"Hello Y/n, what are you doing?" Alcina comes walking in.

"Hi Love, I'm currently mixing the ingredients, actually since you here, I need a blood sample from you it's part of the incantation!" You said, she agrees as she takes off her glove.

"I got it!" Alcina cuts her finger tip with her thumb claw!

"Thank you love!" You licked her finger as the blood went into the bowl with the ingredients!

You cut your finger tip as a couple of drops fell into the bowl, then you place all of it into a jar and sealed it and place it on the window trim gaining the moonlight power!

"That was kind of hot!" Alcina bites her lips

"Oh really!"  You pulled Alcina in by her hips as she wraps her arms around your neck!

As you kisses her, she traces her fingers on your shoulders to your side arms and then to your back!

"It was hot and sweet, that we're doing this!" Alcina said

"Yes it is, also I found this spell that can help decrease your blood disease by 78%, it's not a whole lot but if I keep making this it will decrease more!" You said, it's just a first step but I found some other spells to help with your disease too!" You added

"This is why I love you Y/n, always so kind and always helping me and the girls with any problems!" Alcina passionately kisses you as she pushes you onto the desk.

"My love, it's always been my job! And I love you too!" You flipped her onto the desk as slid your hand underneath her dress going up to her area!

You began kissing her neck slowly while leaving love bites, you both didn't care if the maids heard! Or your daughters!

You slid two fingers inside of her while using your thumb making slow motions on her clit. She moans your name as you still kiss her neck and thrusting her at the same time.

"I have...this child...wit—YOU!" Alcina rocks her head back as you begin thrusting hard into her area.

"!" You kissed her lips as you felt her claws ripping your shirt off.

You gently push the other items off the table as you made Alcina lay down on her back.

"Give it too me!" She moans as she arches her back

"Beg!" You said as slowly pulled out your fingers!

"Please I beg you...EAT ME!" Alcina scratches your chest!

You torn off her thong as you kneeled down and place her hips onto your shoulders! And began pleasuring her area, she arches as she imagine that the sex drive will be crazier when she gets pregnant!

Alcina moans your name as you places your tongue inside of her as she pulls your hair! She grinds her hips onto your face. She didn't want it to stop at all, she loved that you pleasure her whenever she's stress or craving it! She was definitely craving it as she moans louder!

"I already...picked out some...N-NAMES!" Alcina said,  Alcina was crying in good pleasure way as she imagines a baby in her arms. She wanted to know!

"Oh...really!" You mumbled as you still tongue her!

"YES!!" She grips your hair as she comes onto your face...

"That was delicious love!" You licked your lips together.  You made her taste herself as you gave her a kiss, she wraps her arms around you as you slowly picked her up.

"Don't cry, this is going to happen I swear! I don't care I will keep doing this with you!" You mentioned as you carried her to the bedroom!

"I love you so, so much...I need a bath!" Alcina giggles into your neck.

"Yes you do, plus I need one too!" You kisses her again.

After the bath, you both got dressed into your nightgowns laid in bed, you gripped around her lower area and imagine her with a baby bump! She smiles and she imagines it too, you held her tightly as you never wanted to let go of her...

I'm sorry that I took so long!!!! I was finishing my other book that I just published today!!! But I will continue this book, and also I already had great stories already planned out later after this story!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now