Chapter Four: Incantation PT:2

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Few days went by, Alcina and you are performing the incantation spell as the full moon comes out tonight!

"Are you ready for tonight love?" You said as Alcina wraps her arms around you.

"I am but I think the medicine you gave me for my blood disease is working! But I'm having thoughts that it's not gonna work.." Alcina said as she pulls herself away from you.

"Don't think like that, I love you and we will make it happen! I SWEAR IT!" You said as kneeled down.

"Beautiful, what are you doing?" Alcina giggles as she sees you lifting up her dress!

"I want you to feel relax for later! Now let me pleasure you, my love!" You said as you place her hips onto your shoulders.

A few hours went by, Alcina was refreshed and happy. She had nothing to worry about since your here with her.

"Mother and Y/n..." Daniela slowly opens the door

"Yes dear come in" Alcina said as she finishes her hair as it was still loosen.

"Are you guys going to perform the spell tonight?" Daniela asked as she was playing with her fingers!

"Yes dear, why do you ask?" You said

As Daniela grabs both of your guys hands and dragging you both towards your guys bedroom!

"Daniela why are we here?" You asked, even Alcina agreed to that question.

"Close your eyes!" Daniela order as you and Alcina were confused but you both listened.

As all three of you went into the bedroom, your eyes were still close and then you hear Cassandra and Bela talking. You were confused at first and why they were in your bedroom but you do like surprises.

"Okay open your eyes!" Daniela step to the side revealing something.

"Is that a..." Alcina froze as she stares at what is infront of them....

"Baby crib?" You finished her sentence, the daughters all smiled as they build it for them!

"We wanted to give you guys more...motivation I guess, to keep trying if it doesn't work the first time!" Bela said.

They mentioned that when they were in the village, they got some supplies to build the baby crib as a secret gift!

"We love you both no matter what happens!" Cassandra said as she hands them a baby doll that Donna made for them just in case it works!

"Thank you girls! Your mother was having nervous thoughts, so I satisfy her but I think this gave her more confidence!" You lean down and gave the girls a giant hug!

"Thank you my beautiful daughters!" Alcina gives them all kisses as they melt into her arms!

Nightfall came, You and Alcina were out on the balcony underneath the full moon with the jar that had the blood and the ingredients. Alcina eats the ingredients with you at the same time.

Spirits of Darkness

Spirits of Light

Spirits of Lust

Spirits of Passion

We call to all spirits in this hour

Let's us gain the power of love

Hear us and grant our desire;

We want a baby conceived

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now