Chapter Two: Hello Darkmagic!

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As you sat there, frozen in shock you couldn't believe it...your mom was there...

"Mom?!" You cried

"Sweetie, how many times do I have to tell your palms and you'll see!" Your mom said

"Mom, it's hard...I can't see!" A little voice came next to you.

When you saw her coming, you were reliving a memory!

"'ll get the hang out's not gonna come when you first try, it will take time to practice, but I will I swear to you! You'll be a master!!" Your mom said as she kisses your head!

You stood there as you remembered, and you did finally master that power of reading palms after you left home.

"Y/n...are you okay?" Daniela comes up behind you

You quickly turn your head back towards Daniela and looked back as you seen your mom and you disappear...

"I just saw and heard my moms voice...honest I forgot what she sounded's been so long..." You said, Daniela comes and hugs you as she sees you crying.

"Well I'm glad you got to hear your moms voice...and I found more books of yours or your parents books!" She let's go of you as you seen a bag she had found in the house.

As you walked around inside your old home, you felt your family spirits still roaming thought about your family being murdered by the villagers all because your family were in witchcraft...

"Y/n, we should be getting back. I have a feeling Mother is not going to be pleased of us leaving without telling her!" Daniela sad as she opens the front door.

"You're right, let's head back!" As you walked away and putting your arm around Daniela's shoulder.

As you guys traveled back to the castle, you told Daniela what you saw in there. She hugged you tighter as she wanted to make sure you felt relax!

As we both made it to the barn putting the horse away, Daniela headed inside first and then you!

"Care to explain love? On why you left the castle grounds with Daniela?" Alcina stood there with her arms crossed as you seen Cassandra and Bela standing next to her.

"I left on my own but...Daniela followed me, and besides I went to my old get more of my families spell book!" You said, " I think I remember there are some spells that could help you and me with the...Pregnancy and your blood disease!" You added.

Alcina was shock that you remembered how to get there, and she was even more shocked that your families books had spells for pregnancy and blood disease! As Daniela hands you the bag so you can go read, she goes trains with her sisters.

"Well I'll help you find some spells!" Alcina said as she takes that bag and walk with you too the library!

Few hours went by you both went through 10 different spell books, as there were three left! Alcina went to the winery to get some drinks, you were reading your father's book that was made out of patches of animal furs.

The, window pops open out of nowhere, flipping your fathers book, and you quickly ran to the window too shut it. As you were trying to warm yourself up by the fire place, you looked back and somehow the book knew you were looking for a pregnancy spell!

"Dear, why did it get cold all of a sudden!" Alcina comes in with two glasses and a wine bottle!

"It opened somehow but...look what the wind did, it found a pregnancy spell!" You showed her as she looks at it.

"It's been proven over years that it has work..." Alcina said as she looks skittish on the spell as it said that one will have a surprise gift trying to get their partner pregnant for the same sex couples!

Especially two women, you told her it is the only way, to help with the pregnancy! She was hesitant at first but she wanted to have a baby and you were going to give her a baby!

"Okay let's do it, are you still got to find a spell for my blood disease remember?!" Alcina wraps her arms around your neck!

"I know dear, that's why I already found a couple samples of relieving some of the blood disease symptoms!" You said as you kissed her lips.

She smiles and hugs you more, as you read the book more and more, you needed to get some ingredients to help with the spell and it has to be a full moon which there is one in the next couple days actually!

"I'm gonna go to the village to see if I can find some of these ingredients!" You said, "Then follow the directions as it says here and then by the full moon we will perform!" You added

"Okay I'll have my girls come with you tomorrow if that's okay! They need to get out more!" Alcina giggles as she gathers the books and neatly placing them on the table!

"Sounds fine to me, as long they don't attack anyone...even though it's in their nature...but still!" You said as she starts laughing.

"Love, that's who they are! But I'll let them know to be on their best behavior when going to town!" Alcina said

As you nodded and headed out the door with Alcina, you took the book as it was calling you, something about it made you feel closer too your real family...

The girls were told that they are heading to town tomorrow with you! They were pretty excited to go, and you were taking notes while eating and having conversations with them like normal.

After dinner you and Alcina went to the bedroom, took a nice hot bath, while in there you both talked about if the spell does work, they should be prepared with baby's names and supplies!

"I don't know what it's like to be carry a child! Or feel the symptoms of pregnancy!! Maybe I can ask Donna tomorrow when you guys are out!" Alcina said as she washes herself!

"That's sounds like good idea love!" You said, "I know some parts of pregnancy from other women I've talk too through my childhood!" You added.

After bathtime was over, you guys got dressed and headed to bed.

"I can't wait to have a little Dimitrescu child roaming around! I can see it right now!" You said as you smiled.

"Me too love! I just hope it goes smoothly and I pray it works!" Alcina lays her head on your chest!

"It will! I'll do the spell again until your pregnant!" You confidently said as Alcina hugs you tight and as you both falls asleep together!!

Sorry for not posting this story I've been getting into my previous piece I'm working on!

I hope you guys like to new chapter, do you think the pregnancy spell will work? Let's find out!!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now