Chapter Seventeen: Trusting

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~Two weeks went by~

Cezar wakes up in a cell next to Catalina as she is still unconscious. He sees is a black eye, he gently touches her and she was slowly opening her eyes.

"Cezar?!" Catalina hugs him through the bars as he holds her tightly.

Then both of them heard a man grunting, Catalina looks over as she the man that beaten her up.

"Finally, you both are awake!" William said, "Priestess Miranda was getting quite nervous, you both weren't waking up!" He chuckles

Catalina growls at him. He came back with a lion growl, which made Catalina and Cezar jump back a little bit.

"Chicken! I thought you both were the strongest members of the dumitrescu..." William mocks the family name.

"I'll slice your fucking tongue and cut off your balls for disrespecting our name like that!" Catalina snarls at him.

Cezar try to use his mind to control him but he fell to his knees, realizing he has the charm bracelet, that was blocking his abilities. Even Catalina had one too.

"Good morning my children, did you sleep well?" Miranda comes walking down in her robe and she kisses William on the cheek.

"Good morning my love!" William kisses her hand and then her cheek.

"Let us go! Or I will—" Cezar gets cut off by Miranda.

"Will what? Both of you have those bracelet that's preventing your two for using your abilities to harm me!" She chuckles as she caresses William's arms and shoulder, "Where is Peter? He's supposed to take over your shift, so you and I can cuddle!" She added with lust in her voice.

"You're like 3000 years older than him!" Catalina giggled and Cezar chuckled.

Miranda open the cell as Catalina still smiled after that victorious comment. Miranda slapped her across the face as she fell to the ground. Then Miranda walks out as Peter had just arrived.

Miranda gives him the death glare as both her and William headed back upstairs.

~Shortly after~

"Hey Peter..." Cezar picks up Catalina through the bar.

"Hey kiddo.." Peter asked as he was rubbing his hand as he was nervous.

"Listen, I know you don't like it...I can see it in your eyes, as well as feeling your energy and your don't like Miranda do you?" Cezar asked

Peter sighed as he thought about that question. He looks at the two kids, he hated the fact that he had to take them away from their family, also he hated that William is sleeping with the boss. And He hated everything about what he has become!

"Yes...I do but I'm loyal to Miranda...unfortunately!" Peter said as his leans against the wall thinking this new decision.

"If you help us, we'll convince our parents and the other lords not to harm you! Please help us defeat Miranda, you can be your spy if you want!" Catalina said, Cezar nodded.

Peter doesn't say nothing else and he walks away from them

~Time Skips~

Peter brought food down for the twins. He leans against the wall and he still thought about the decision. The twins they say nothing because they felt like they weren't going to out of here.

"Peter?!" Miranda shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Yes priestess Miranda!" Peter said as he glances at the twins.

"Do you have the key to unlock the bracelets!? Did William give it to you?" She shouted again

The twins look up at each other and looked at Peter. Peter had finally made his decision.

"No, William didn't give me the key before he left!" He shouted up at the stairs as she quickly comes down.

She looks like the twins, they saw two dark marks on her neck. She glances at Peter as he's breathing and his heart rhythm was completely steady.

"Do not lose this key or I'll kill you!" Miranda smiled.

Then William shouted for her to come back, she giggles like a little girl and runs back upstairs

Than door slams, Peter looks at the twins and smiles agreeing to their terms. He uses his abilities as the cell doors open, he quickly opens the bracelets. As they twins powers were fully coming back.

"Lord Cezar, you're quite powerful with your abilities, make me have a false memory of you guys taking advantage and beating me! It needs to be real just in case Miranda sees my mind!" Peter said.

Cat made the first move and punched him in the face as his notice blood.

"Thank you, Lady Catalina!" Peter smile.

"We'll be back, we swear to you!" Cezar said as he starts kicks, punches and using his abilities to hurt him to make it look real.

Cat cuts and stabs him two times. He nods as he took enough beating, Cezar uses his abilities to convert the memory to make it look real just in case Miranda sees!

"Let's go home!" Cat said as she grabs his hands as Cezar imagines both of them in front of the doors like he did before.

~Castle Dimitrescu~

You and the rest of your family were all in the dining room eating breakfast. Donna and the girls were all having conversations with each other, Moreau was talking to Karl.
He was getting bored with his fish stories and etc...

"MY LORDS!" One of the maidens barged in as she was panting!

"What is the meaning of this!?" Alcina shouted as she breaks her cup.

The maiden catches her breath as she had the biggest smile on her face.

"My lords, something marvelous has happened! The twins...They've returned!" The maiden said as she moves out-of-the-way.

The twins came around the corner as they were covered in filth.

"MOM! REN!" The twins shout it.

(A non-binary parent name for Y/N!)

Everyone froze, you and Alcina ran to the kids, holding them tightly. Your eyes begin to water hard as the twins finally returned.

"We...Love...You...Both So...Much!" Alcina kisses them after each ward.

The daughters ran to the twins as they held them tightly.

"H-How..did you guys escape?" Bela asked.

The twins told, they convince one of the intruders to release them, and now they have a undercover person working for them. To fully see what mother Miranda was going to do for her next plan.
They also explained how they should not harm this man that helped them escape. Lords agreed and listen to the twins more...

~Miranda's place~

Miranda and William both headed down to the basement as soon as they got down there, Peter was unconscious and bleeding. Miranda quickly runs towards him and tries to heal him which she did but he was very weak.

"What happened! Where are the twins?!" Miranda demanded.

"They distracted me...they took the key and escaped." Peter was coughing.

Miranda and William to help him from the floor as he was coughing badly. She must know what really happened down here!!

I hope you guys like this chapter!

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