Chapter Five: Hello New...Friend

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You wake up as you needed to use the bathroom, you quickly rush after feeling a hard pain in your area! As soon as you got it in, you looked into the mirror and seen something...

"Oh my fucking..." you whispered quietly as you seen what was your between your legs! You were flabbergasted that the spell granted you you knew that it was going to happen.

"Love...are you in the bathroom?" Alcina asked, you weren't sure how she was going to react on seeing this.

"Yes dear, I'm in here...I'll be out in a bit!" You told her as you trying to figure out on how to explain to her.

A few minutes past, you walked out as you seen Alcina brushing her hair. She looks over as she smiles at you, she quickly runs to hug you.

"Morning love!" Alcina kisses you, as soon as she did that you felt semi aroused as she was touching you.

"Morning beautiful!" You said as you felt your little friend coming up.

"Y/n are you still wearing the strap on?" Alcina pulls herself away as she smiles.

"Umm...about's not the strap on..." you mumbled, as you slowly backed up and lifted your nightgown.

Alcina looks down as she sees your friend...she starts to laughs as she kept starring at it.

"It's cute, but looks weird, I honestly forgot what it used to look like when I was a human!" Alcina tells you as she walks up tracing her fingers on your body.

"Love—" You stop speaking as her hand was on your friend, as she looks deeply into your eyes in seducing way.

"I'm actually happy that the Incantation worked...Now..." Alcina kiss you hard as you both went into the bathroom! "Let's see how well it can!" She added.

"I think this is going to be a bad situation in a good way" You laugh as you took off her nightgown.

You grabbed her ass and you gave her marks all over her body. Alcina pushes you into the tub as the water was on, she spreads her legs as she places your friend inside of her.

"Alcina..." You moan her name, she kisses your neck as she does her usual routine that she would do with a strap on.

(AN: If everyone wants to know yes, your character has a magical dick! The strap on was turned into one...)

"Y/n, I cannot wait for this style that we're doing." Alcina said, "Yes this is going to be a bad situation but it's going to be very fun!" She added as she proceeds to bounce on you.

Her nails were digging into your back as she arches, she moans hard as she is feeling your friend inside of her. You hold her hips down holding her in place as you start scratching her back...

"I want a baby..."Alcina cry's as she buries her face into your neck.

"I'm gonna give you one!" You told her as you flipped her around.

She leans back inside of tub as you took control of her...for some reason she didn't like that but she wrapped her legs around your waist as the friend was still inside of her.

"HARDER!" Alcina yells out, you did what your lover asked.

You grip her hips tighter and thrust harder as she bites into your neck and drink some of your blood. As you kept thrusting her, you felt this hurting pain coming from your friend but you knew that you were about to come inside her.

"LOVE!...I THINK IM ABOUT TO—" Then Alcina cuts you off as she flips herself back on top of you!

"NO! LETS TAKE IT SLOW!" Alcina growls as she slows down the rhythm.

You caught a couple breaths as you felt the rhythm slowing down, both of you took it steady making sure this last a little longer than usual.

"I love you Y/n" Alcina wraps her arms around your neck as she makes eye contact with you.

"I love you too Alcina" You said with a kiss, as your hands were still on her hips.

"Okay Y/ it medium thrust then slowly go fast!" Alcina demanded you.

"ON IT" You said

You did what she asked, she arches her back and she feels the Ecstasy finally coming. You thrust faster and hard as she kept scratching your chest...the water was going all over the floor from the tub.

"Y/N!!...I'M ABOUT TO—" Alcina quickly grabs you as her body started to shake and you felt it too as you held her close as your body started to shake badly!

You both started waving out the pleasure as you were both coming down. She looks into your eyes panting and then buries her head into your neck. He gently trace her back going up and down as you felt her body still twitching.

"That's was exquisite love, you listen very well!" Alcina kisses your jawline.

"That's part of my listen and love you no matter what!" You kissed her forehead.

After relaxing for a bit and you started to wash each other, then you got out making sure you both didn't slip from the puddles of water that was in the bathroom!

You have to get into her dress as well as buttoning it, you gently kissed her back as she giggles.

"Oh can definitely see it when I'm wearing pants." You said, "I think our daughters and the maids are going to be freaking out over this!" You added

Alcina puts down her lipstick as she noticed your friend, she starts laughing again as she tells you something.

"Well who cares, everyone has heard us my love." Alcina stares at you, "We're doing something that we both dreamt of, having our own little child!" She added.

"True, it kind of feels weird though when I'm walking!" You said as you started walking towards her and you felt your friend moving with you.

"That's quite interesting...besides if the maidens find it disgusting or wrong...I will slice them into ribbons!" Alcina extended her claws out with this psychopath smile that always drove you crazy for her.

"No Alcina, you will not kill any maidens!" You told her, "So if they see it, I'm just gonna be straight honest with them." You added as you fixed her hair into a cute bun.

"Fine, but let's tell the girls about this during breakfast." Alcina said, as you already had her gloves and hat next to her, "This is why I married you because you read my mind and you love me for me." She added.

You're both headed out to the hallway and walk towards the dining room for breakfast...

I hope you guys like this story! I'll see you guys next one!

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now