Chapter Eighteen: Deal

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As you and Lords thought of a plan, and while Cezar tries to talk to Peter as he still had some blood from him. He mixed it with some herbs that he's grown and read his parent book.


I call thee

Hear my voice

Hear me

As you and I are one in same

Peter hear me

As we talk in our minds and our voices

As Cezar cast a spell to communicate to him. He spoke loud in his room.

"Peter?! It's Cezar!"

~Miranda's place~

Peter was laying in bed as he heard the voice of Cezar.

" that you?" Peter said

" is! I used your blood to connect with you! Sorry it that's weird! But did Miranda believe your vision?" Cezar asked

"She hasn't checked my head, but she's planning to attack your guy's home in the next day or two, maybe sooner!" Peter told him.

"Well, I'm gonna be telling you a plan that I came up with, I haven't told my family about this because it's it's gonna cost something of mine, just go with it..." Cezar said

~Castle Dimitrescu~

Alcina looks for her Son as she found him in his room talking to something. He quietly opens the door as she sees her son levitating while his eyes are shut.

"Cezar?" Alcina quietly said.

Cezar finishes the conversation he had with Peter, he gently floats down as he hugged his mother.

"Hi mother!" Cezar looks up as he smiled.

Alcina kisses his forehead and tells him their plan on mother Miranda.

"Son in the next few days you, Catalina, and your sisters, you guys are going somewhere far away, wher—" Alcina gets cut off by her son, she sees is that he has fear in his eyes.

"Mother! We don't have next few days...we may have 48 hours or less! I kind of communicate with Peter, Miranda servant, aka our undercover person! He said Miranda is planning to attack us in our home...apparently she has a small army she's recruited!" Cezar warns her.

As Alcina and him both darted to the other lords to tell them the news. Alcina holds her son's hand as she was petrified. Catalina was with her sisters as they were training as the lords were watching them.

"My love and siblings! Cezar has news on Miranda's plan! Sweetie tell them!" Alcina tells cezar.

Cezar fully explain Miranda's plan and his plan that he came up with.

"Son, your plan is insane but good! But cannot do that...I-I forbid it!" You said to him.

"Please! It's the only way!! Cezar said as explained it more.

"His plan is pretty good! Also insane! But let him do it! He wants to save his family and who knows how many recruits that bird bitch has!" Karl said

Donna, Angie and Moreau and even the girls all agreed to Cezar plan. You were hesitant with his plan but you looked at your beloved wife and she also agreed too Cezar plan.

"Alright...we'll go with your plan!" You kneeled down as you kissed your sons head.

~A day later~

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now