Chapter Thirteen: I'm Back!

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"Come on dude, we have to bring her back!" Male one said, as he was drawing a circle with symbols.

"Why? The Lord's right now are perfectly fine, they know what they're doing!" Male two said.

Male one hated the lords, he always prayed to The Priestess, who should be the only Lord that the villagers should always pray too.

"Fuck them! I'm bringing back Priestess, now help me finish these ruins! You fucking pussy!" Male one said as he curves a couple more onto the ground.

Male two grunted as he helped his friend with the ritual of summoning The Priestess back from the dead.

Oh great and mighty Priestess!

We call upon you to return to this realm

We will be your servant until the end of our days!

We help you take down the FALSE Lord's of our village.

We will grant you the twins of the Dimitrescu family.

On the seven gates of hell

We call and summon Mother Miranda by our blood!

Male one said as he cuts his hand and lets it drip into the circle with the symbols of mother Miranda's writing. He passes the blade to his buddy as he cuts his hand.

The two male villagers saw the clouds getting very dark as the wind was blowing hard. Lightning came out of nowhere struck the trees almost hitting both of them. Then it suddenly stops...

Flames came out from the ground as black substance was swarming inside of the circle. As they seen a large figure with six wings came out behind them as a loud scream echoes the woods.

"Glory to you...Priestess Miranda!" Both of the males said as the bowed to her.

She comes walking towards them as she's naked. Both of the males had gathered clothes that they found in her house. Which was abandoned and destroyed by the lords and some of the villagers.

"Here you go, Priestess Miranda! Fresh cloths for your return!" Male one said as he holds her clothing.

Miranda doesn't say anything but gently takes the clothes. She walks to the lake as she cleanse herself.

"Holy shit...we brought her back! Now it's time to take down the false lords!" Male one said.

"I agree with you, Peter, and what about you, William? Do you want to take down the Lords, I'll give you everything you desire!" Miranda finishes cleaning herself as she puts on her clothes.

"...yes...I'll help you!" William gulps, as Mother Miranda flew towards him, grabbing his chin.

"That doesn't sound like a loyal servant of you want to say it again?" Miranda's eyes were black with angry and rage!

"Yes Priestess Miranda, I will help you kill the Lords!" William said again as he fully bows to her.

She claps her hands and smiles as she makes the men follow her to laboratory, where she's going to give them powers of the Cadou.

~Castle Dimitrescu~

You wake up as you felt something was terribly wrong. Alcina wakes up as you were panting while grabbing your chest.

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