Chapter Seven: The Surprise

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"I love it when you do this position!" Alcina turns her head around as you gently rub her lower back.

You gently placed your friend inside of her. Alcina moans loud as she feels you inside, she grinds her hips as she pushes herself from the wall onto you!

"Oooo...right there Y/n!" Alcina moans for you. You gripped both of her hips, you thrust hard again and again.

"I love you Alcina!" You leaned into her ear as she grabs the back of your hair and kisses you.

"I love you too Y/n!" Alcina said, she arches her back up towards you...

After thrusting and fucking each other for good two hours, you both got dress and headed out, just to walk around for boredom.

"That was good!" Alcina giggles as she wraps her arms your chest.

"Indeed it was, my love!" You wrapped your arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

As you guys walked for hours, and talking about how you guys felt during this incantation moments. You also set some ground rules if Alcina does get pregnant, how to raise a child!

"I'll ask Donna for some tips or something." Alcina smiles as she heads to the bedroom.

"Okay and i am going to find some le the girls and ask if they want to go hunting!" You said as you left to search for the girls.

~Three weeks skips, as your little friend disappeared~

Alcina was throwing up in the bathroom and she thought it was the food from last night. She cleans herself as she walks out, then out of the blue she had to use the bathroom...again.
Then she felt her breasts were very swollen and hurting.

"What the hell is going on with me!" Alcina said as she was in a pissy mood already.

" of the maidens just dropped one of your bottles..." Bela comes in.

"DAMMIT, THESE MAIDENS ARE THE WORSE!!!" Alcina buries her face into her hands as she begins to cry out of nowhere.

" wasn't expensive one, it was cheap bottle...are you okay?" Bela asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I don't know!" Alcina cry's as she laughs too. Bela call for her sisters and You!

They all appear as they seen Alcina's moods changing from left to right.

"Love...what's going on!?" You rushed over as she was a ticking time bomb.

"I don't know what's going on with me, I'm just gonna go talk to Donna for a little bit!" Alcina leaves.

You and the girls all looked at each other as everyone shrugged their shoulders.

~Donnas Place~

"Sister, it's Alcina...can I come in?" Alcina knocks as Angie Benevenito opens the door.

"Hello come in!" Angie said as Donna came walking down the hallway.

She wasn't wearing her face veil, ever since Miranda died, apparently she this self-confidence out of nowhere. She was happy! 

"Alcina, are you okay? Y/n called me that you were heading here!" Donna said as she guides Alcina to a chair.

"I'm just emotional right now and I'm not feeling well!" Alcina wipes her tears away.

"Tell me sister!" Donna said.

She tells Angie to grab some tea and some snacks.

"After Y/N and I did a incantation spell for the pregnancy, we used it for awhile...then it disappear!" Alcina said, "So we were going to try again, but recently, I'm constantly peeing, my mood swings are horrible as I just showed everyone, I am so sensitive to certain smells like I had to stop wearing lavender because for some reason I wanna throw up! Like I do once every other morning!" She added

"Oh my your just all over the place!" Donna laughs as Angie brought back some tea and some snacks.

"And my goodness, my cravings for food have been the worst and strange. Like yesterday, we were eating and for some reason I was craving chocolate on top of my food! Which I've never had chocolate in so long since I was a human!" She tells Donna all of her symptoms and what she's been doing.

"Wait stop, morning sickness, sensitive to smells, strange food cravings, consistently going to the bathroom..." Donna thinks for second and her eyes widen.

"What is I dying?" Alcina asked.

"No Alcina, but how long has it been when you and Y/n were doing the incantation spell?" Donna asked

"Maybe around 2 to 3 weeks, 2 1/2 when Y/n's friend disappeared. Why?" Alcina said

Donna grips Alcinas hands as she smiles with joy!

"Oh Alcina you don't know do you?" Donna said as she girns

"Know what! Just tell me!" Alcina complains to Donna.

"Those symptoms you're having...Alcina..those are signs of pregnancy!" Donna finally told her.

"Alcina pregnant!?" Angie pops her head like a weasel.

"What?!" Alcina mouth dropped in her eyes widen after hearing what Donna said to her.

Donna tells Angie to go to the bathroom and get the pregnancy test that apparently Donna had. Angie comes back a few minutes later and gives Alcina couple of pregnancy test.

"Go ahead, take them right now!" Donna pushes Alcina to the bathroom.

~15 minutes later~

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Angies shouts as Donna and Alcina rush to see her.

"Angie?!" Donna shouted

"ALCINA IS PREGNANT!" Angie shows them the pregnancy tests that came back 100% positive!

Alcina takes a look at them at all seven of them. She wanted to make sure that they were all accurate and they are!

"Oh my..." Alcina lost her train of thought. Donna hugs Alcina as she was crying with joy!

"You have to tell Y/n!" Donna smiles as Alcina was so shocked that the smell worked.
Angie hugged her too. Shortly after, they all talked for until Alcina went back home.

"I can't believe it actually worked...Now I have to call doctor to confirm it, I just cannot wait to tell the girls and Y/n about this!" Alcina tells herself.

She got inside and head towards the kitchen as a maidens were in there.

"Maidens, I'm going to ask you guys something..." Alcina tells them, "I need you all to help me make a meal for my's a very special night!" Alcina smiles at them as they agreed to help her cook...

"Of course M'Lady!" one of the maidens said as everyone was helping her prepare the fantastic meal.

Later, as everyone gathered around the table to eat. Alcina hands her daughters and You a box that was neatly wrapped.

"Before we eat, I want you guys to open this gift!" Alcina said with excitement in her voice as she remains calm.

Everyone opens the gift as they noticed that it was a little stick with the plus sign on it, daughters were confused but you knew what it was.

"ALCINA, ARE YOU PREGNANT?!" You shouted as the girls mouth dropped and stared at Alcina.

She nods her head as the girls scream with excitement and joy. They ran to hug her and you kneeled down as you kissed her and held her lower abdomen.
All of you began to cry with joy from the exciting news....

See you guys in the next chapter, I'm gonna be skipping a couple months ahead to where she has the baby bump.

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now