Chapter Eight: The Results

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A couple months went by as Alcinas baby bump was already showing. You and Alcina have a doctors appointment, as the doctor was coming to the castle. You walked into the bedroom, seen outfits all over the floor and saw Alcina standing in the mirror, as she was only in her bra and underwear!

"Love are you okay?" You asked as you walk to her.

"I feel and look fat because some of my clothes aren't fitting...dam baby." Alcina pinches the bridge of her nose.

She whimpers in small pain as her lower back and feet are killing her from the baby!

"Your not fat! You are beautiful as always!" You walked over and held your wife's baby bump!

Alcina leans her head back onto your shoulders as you held her tightly. She turns around as she was in her bra and underwear, you just smile and held her.

"Am I?" Alcina kisses your neck.

You sighed and tell her everyday, that she's the most beautiful women you've ever laid eyes on!

"Yes you are! Now let me make you feel comfortable, get in the bed" You caress her hair back as she nods.

As she walks away, you notice that she was more curvier than before, and you smiled at her.

"Now lay there, I'll be right back and i have to get somethings from the bathroom" You told her as she lays there smiling.

Few minutes went by you came back with oils for her feet in her back. She pops up and sees as she knew that you were going to give her a nice massage!

"All right so which body part hurts the most...feet or your lower back?" He questioned her.

"Both!" Alcina whines as she props her feet onto your lap.

You gently rubbed her feet and she just lays her head back onto the pillow. She takes deep breath as she feels the relief of pain from her feet.

"Thank you love...this is what I needed right now!" Alcina smiles with relief.

"Anything for you my love!" You smiles as you kissed her leg.

"What do you think a gender is going to be?" Alcina said, "I think is going to be a girl!" She added

Your stopped and just chuckled at her questioned.

"I don't know and don't care, as long as it's a healthy living baby!" You told her.

"Well my love, it's always been females in my family...male heirs are rare..." Alcina said, "I mean yes as long as it's a healthy living baby that's all it matters but I would like to have a female." She giggles

"Well to be honest..." you rubbed her feet hard as she rolls her eyes back feeling the relief, "I wouldn't mind having a boy...just watch it would probably be twins!" You laugh.

Then a knock comes from the door.

"Hey, the doctor is here You guys!" Daniela peeks in as she quickly closes her eyes after seeing a glimpse of her mothers body.

"Y/n grab my robe!" Alcina asked as you use your magic to bring her rope to her. She quickly puts it on as she tells her daughter to send the doctor in.

"Hello Dimitrescu family!" The Romanian doctor greets as he bows to them!

"Hello, Doctor Balan, Y/n this man and his family have always helped my family for generations!" Alcina smiles as Dr. Balan comes in closer.

"So how are you and the baby?" Dr. Balan said as he gets his equipment set up.

"Then baby is good and I'm just going through the emotions again and Y/n was giving me a massage because my feet are swollen and hurting!" She tells him.

"That is perfectly normal, now may I see Lady Dimitrescu?" As Dr. Balan points at her stomach.

She nods and unties her robe only showing the stomach. You decided to sit next to her as she leans back into your chest.

"Now this might feel a little cold at first!" He pours a gel onto her stomach and a remote control looking thing, pressing against her stomach.

Few minutes goes by, he's looking a baby and he finds a heartbeat. And then doctor sees is the sex of the baby...

"Congratulations looks like you guys will be having a...GIRL!" Dr. Balan smiles as Alcinas glares at you with victory in her face.

"I told you, males are rare and only females are the true heir!" She and Dr. Balan laugh together. You don't care as long as she was happy with the baby and baby being alive!

But then you had a vision of...two children running in the flower field... Alcina and Dr. Balan sees your eyes as you slowly came out of it.

"I saw two babies...Dr. Balan can you please check to see if there is a second baby?" You were very concerned by the sound of your voice.

"On it!" He looks around for a few minutes.

Then sees another baby as a heart rate was different than the first! He looks at the sex and by that look...his eyes wide and he slowly turns his head to you guys as he smiled with joy!

"We'll Dr. Balan...what is it!" Alcina said

"Do you remember when you said males are rare and only females are the true heirs?" He said

"Yes..." Alcina said as her head was tilted with confusion as she looked at the monitor.

"Well,'re having a...BOY!" He excelled with joy.

You were frozen as you remembered your comment from earlier, Alcina mouth dropped after hearing a baby girl and baby boy are growing inside of her. And then her mouth closed as it turned into a smile, she looks up at you with tears in her eyes!

"We're having...TWINS!" She cry's into you chest as you began to cry and held her close. Then the daughters came in to see what was going on.

" so what are the results for the gender?" Cassandra asked as all three of them stood there waiting.

"We might need you guys to build a second baby crib!" As soon as you said that the girls mouths dropped.

Daniela screams in joy as she runs onto the bed.

"WE'RE HAVING TWO BABIES! ARE THEY GIRLS?" Daniela asked, "Because we always have females in this family!" She added, The other two agreed.

"We're having a baby girl..." Alcina was hesitant at first as she looks at you and you smiled, "And we're having...a baby boy!" She smiles as she wipes her tears away.

"A BOY!" All three of them said at once. They all looked at each other and smiled.

The girls were excited to meet their new siblings. Both Bela and Daniela decided to go into town tomorrow to get more supplies and build another baby crib...

I hope you guys like this chapter I'm gonna skip a couple of years ahead to where your characters kids are grown up!
Your character life will change, for seeing visions, familiar faces, pain and regrets...especially....Mother Miranda.

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now