Chapter Nineteen: Battle PT1

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Miranda asked William to torture the twins while she gets her supplies ready for the experiment!

"Be a good loyal lover of mine and finish what Peter couldn't do!" Miranda said with a deep husky voice.

William nods while he cracks his knuckles. Cezar stood in-front of his sister, he headbuds him in his stomach as William chokes him.

"Now you both will be her new children! She was hoping for one but two is better I guess!" William pins Cezar on the wall.

"LET MY BROTHER GO YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" Catalina bites into his Achilles. William screams as he kicks her face, all she did was laugh in pain.

He turns around and starts punching Cezar over and over again...

~Castle Dimitrescu~

Everyone prepared everything for the battle, Heisenberg comes back and telling some news about the twins.

"Sis, Y/n! The Lycans came back and told me that they found the twins in a secret location outside the village." Karl said, "But it's surrounded by Mirandas followers! As they have sliver weapons armed!" He mentioned.

Then out of the darkest smoke, Papa Legba, Marie Laveau and Hekate both appeared behind of him. He jumps and moves out of the way.

"Thank you Karl, hello my darkest lords!" You bowed to them.

"We heard that this metal boys dogs found Mirandas place?" Papa Legba asked, you nodded as Karl explains where it is.

The three darkest lords came and you disused with them about you and Cezars plan before he and Catalina both left. Marie Laveau and Hekate loved that idea as they both helped with your abilities become more stronger then Mirandas.

Papa Legba and Alcina both talked about their lives while Donna and Moreau both came charging in.

"Brother and sister!" Donna shouted, Moreau had a cut eye as he semi coughs blood

"One of the villagers were still alive after the slaughter and cut Sal! It was sliver!" Donna said with fear, Hekate and Marie both went over and healed him.

"She and her goon(s) took the twins, twice! Send a worthless army of villagers to kill us, and now one of them attacked my little brother!!" Alcina shouted, "I AM GOING THERE AND KILLING MIRANDA WITH MY BARE HANDS!" She added as her eyes began to turn red!

You went over to her as you hugged her tightly but she soon relaxed as you put a small relaxing spell on her. Hekate smiles as she sees greatness in Alcinas rage!

"We will get her soon! Trust me my dear, Y/n's deal is still uphold on the agreement!" Papa Legba said as he gently grabbed your shoulder. You nodded and walked with him!

~Mirandas Home~

Miranda comes walking down the stairs as she sees the towns were knocked out cold, William smiles at her, grips her by the hips and pins her on the wall!

"Well done my love!" She kisses William, as she undo his pants.

"Thank you my Queen! Anything for you!" William said.

He kisses her neck as he pulls down her underwear and proceeds to pleasure her in-front of the unconscious twins.

After two rounds, the twins awake up and seen both of them standing and waiting. Miranda opens the door as she takes Catalina by the hair and drags her.

"Our family...they'll kill you all!" Catalina shouted as she tries to pull herself out of Mirandas grip.

All Miranda did was laugh as she leaves the cellar with Catalina. Cezar mange's to get up and walk to the cell door, while William sat and watched him. Then Catalina starts screaming while crying out for her brother.

Lady Dimitrescu X I'm hers and ONLY hers X Witchcraft X Series 2Where stories live. Discover now