Chapter 1

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~Edited: 20.04.22~

Hello fellow readers,

Eglish isn't my first language so sorry for grammer mistakes and everything else like spelling errors, so feel free to point the mistakes out.

This book will explain itself pretty much so it doesn't really have an introduction. The only thing i will tell you is, that it plays after the hole incident at the summer camp and kidnapping and stuff. So they are already in their dorms. Some time passed and UA is at the search for the Traitor.

 And btw Min*ta never was in the hero course, Shinso was there for him all the time.

I don't really have much else to say, so i just hope you will enjoy this story.

Have fun

Your A/N


Izuku POV

It's our first period of the day and we have homeroom with Aizawa.

We were all sitting in our classroom beside Kamenari. He is probably running late again. 

What an idiot. 

But well, that's what he is playing. And he is really good at it. If i wouldn't know it better, i actually would believe that he is the dumbest person on earth.

I am currently talking with Shoto. We started dating after the sports festival. We only told our closest friends. That means the dekusquad.

We are 6 or 5 or well more like 5 and a half people in the dekusquad. Me, as the leader, then there are Shoto, Iida, Uraraka and Tsu. And Shinso kinda. He hangs out with us sometimes, but does not really wants to be considered a part of the squad. He is mostly with his boyfriend, Denki.

I looked around. Denki still wasn't here. I looked at Shinso for a moment and he kinda looks worried.

 I got a kinda bad feeling. Something is up. I am sure of it.

Then Aizawa walked through the door. I quickly rushed to my desk and sat down because i was standing at Shoto's desk while we were talking. 

Than it hit me.

AIZAWA WALKED threw the door. 

Aizawa, the person who always gets in class in his sleeping bag, not really looking that good at all, was wearing normal clothes and came in the class without his sleeping bag. Walking. 


It seems as if i wasn't the only person wondering what has happened because there was whispering all over the classroom. Aizawa glared at the class from his podium and everybody went quiet. Then he sighed and said

"We found the UA traitor."


~Timeskip to the night before around 3 a.m.~

Denki POV

Gosh, i'm tired. 

I just went out for a killing spree with Toga. It was amazing. We got like 8 people, then we were picked up by Mamagiri because we were kinda getting chased down by the police because we got a little reckless. Then we were scolded and he brought me back to UA.

Well, actually, i wanted to have a killing spree with Hito, but he and his parents had spent the night together. Because he didn't wanted to be sus or something, he couldn't come with me so i was kinda left alone, but i wanted to go out. So then Toga offered.

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